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UK Practitioner Clarifies the Truth to Millions of People in Mainland China through Radio Interviews

Feb. 18, 2002

On Friday morning (Beijing time) two radio programs broadcasted interviews across East Asia with Rosemary Katzen, recently returned from a 20 hour arrest in China.

This was a good opportunity to reach millions of listeners in Mainland China with the truth about the innocence of Falun Gong and the brutality of the police against Falun Gong practitioners.

50 policemen arrested the four UK practitioners when they got back to the hotel from a lovely day out in the "Summer Palace".

Rosemary gave a long interview to the "Radio Free Asia" which is a Chinese language radio broadcast to millions in China and the rest of East Asia. They also interviewed Lilian, a practitioner who was arrested and brutalized by the police when she sat peacefully in lotus position along with 35 other practitioners on Tiananmen Square in November 2001.

In "World Today" (an English language BBC Radio program broadcast across East Asia, including China), Rosemary said that she was manhandled and treated roughly during the arrest, and that the police dragged her down the stairs and pulled her hair to get her on the police van, although she had done nothing wrong.

Rosemary also said that if this is how they dare to treat western Falun Gong practitioners, even before going to appeal, then imagine the cruel treatment the Chinese practitioners recieve, who are being sent to labour camps and tortured.

Rosemary also refuted claims that the event in Tiananmen Square was timed for President Bush's visit to China. "No, we went there for the New Year Celebrations which are important for the Chinese," Rosemary replied.