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A Rural Woman's Fa-Rectification Path: Making Use of Village Radio to Clarify the Truth to the Villagers

Feb. 18, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) A practitioner who will turn fifty years old this year lives in a countryside village. She happily obtained the Fa in August 1997 and is an unassuming person. Based on her steadfast and absolute sincerity towards Dafa, together with her righteous faith, righteous enlightenment and righteous thoughts, she went through many difficulties, one after another, and walked solidly on the path of cultivation.

After July 20, 1999, the evil manifested in an overwhelming way. The local police arrested the contact people from all practice sites, detained them and put them in brainwashing classes. Facing the officials from the police station and the village government, in a few sincere sentences, she described her health improvement, and the upgrading of her Xinxing after she had begun to practice cultivation. She safeguarded and promoted Dafa with the facts. At the end she said, "The reason that the central government leaders don't allow us to practice is probably because they don't know the truth about Falun Gong. The practice is so good, and I think I will continue to practice it." She said it so calmly and naturally that the officials from the police station and the township government could only just look at her.

In January, the local government officials were replaced. The new officials came to brainwash her. She recalled Teacher's words, "Isn't any form of pressure a test to see whether your faith in the Buddha Fa is fundamentally strong? If you still are not fundamentally resolute in the Fa, everything else is out of the question." ("For Whom do You Practice Cultivation?") If it is a test then I must pass it. "Every pass must be broken through."(from Teacher's poem collection Hongyin) She clarified the truth to the officials. Finally she said: "To stop me from practicing Falun Gong, the only way is to shoot me dead; otherwise, as long as I still have one breath left, I will still practice Falun Gong." After hearing these words the new officials, on the contrary, didn't make any request of her.

In rural areas, each year every family has to pay various taxes according to the number of people in the household and the amount of land they own. Many families owed the village government money. After this Falun Dafa practitioner obtained the Fa, she never owed the village money. Instead, she saved a couple of thousand Yuan for the village government. In the beginning of November 2000, the village gave her family an extra eight hundred Yuan when they did the accounts-settlement. She immediately discussed with her husband how to return the money. She used her own action to validate that Dafa is the righteous Fa, and exposed the slander and lies propagated against Falun Gong through the means of television, radio and newspaper since July 1999.

Even though her husband is not a cultivator, he is a very kind person and agreed right away with her idea of how to return the money to the village. They took over 1,000 Kg (approximately 2,200 lbs.) of their grain to the village center to offset the 800 Yuan. The practitioner found the village official and told him that she was refunding the extra money. She explained the reason that she's able to do so is because she is a Falun Gong practitioner and requested to say a few words over the village radio. The village official agreed. With her steadfast and righteous mind, she validated the Fa to all the villagers over the village radio with dignity and confidence. At first, she used her action of her refunding the money to prove that "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" Master Li taught is the righteous Fa, that it is the heavenly law. Master Li requires practitioners to improve their moral standard and become better people, and finally to attain the righteous enlightenment of selflessness and altruism. Then she talked about all the made-up government propaganda stories over the past couple of years. The things the evil propagated on the TV, radio and newspapers had been spread widely. Fabrications such as cutting open one's own stomach, killing people, and jumping off buildings were invented to slander Falun Gong. She also clarified that the acts of various psychotics, such as committing suicide, self-abuse and jumping into the water that had been blamed on Falun Gong was simply "pouring dirty water"on Falun Gong and asked the villagers not to believe those lies. While saying all these things, her heart was upright and her mind was righteous. Everything she did was for validating Dafa, for safeguarding Dafa. The purpose of clarifying the truth is also to offer salvation to the people. As a result, during the time she was talking, none of the village officials went to interfere with her. This clearly shows that "Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful." Someone said, "Falun Gong practitioners are indeed very good, if everyone acts like her, then there is hope for this society. The TV is lying."

The practitioner told us that over the past two years, in order to expose the evil, clarify the truth and offer salvation to common people, she and other practitioners had visited neighboring villages within a radius of thirty miles, traveling on foot. Of course she had met with danger many times. Under Master Li's watch and protection she was able to pass through the tests, one after another.

From what I know, while doing this Fa rectification work, no matter how busy she was, this practitioner maintained one to two hours of daily Fa study. She said Master has instructed us that, "It has to be Dafa disciples who do Dafa work--this is something required of all of you." Therefore, we must do what Master requires of us. "Under any circumstance, in any period, and no matter how busy you are with your work, you can't stray from your Fa-study, as this is what fundamentally ensures that you'll continue to improve and reach Consummation." ("Lecture on the Fa at the Washington, D.C. International Conference, 2001")