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May the World's People Quickly Awaken to the Truth!

February 15, 2002 |   Chun Lee

The persecution of Falun Gong defies all laws of humanity. Millions of people who have taken a path of self-improvement and righteousness are being persecuted using the most vile and inhuman methods known to modern history. For striving to live according to Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance Falun Gong practitioners are held in labor camps and mental hospitals, injected with mind altering and nerve damaging drugs, tortured, raped and even murdered. They are dismissed from work, leaving them with no means to support their families, students are expelled from school, and many are forced to become homeless, while their family and friends are terrorized. Jiang Zemin and his regime are killing their own citizens for being good people and forcing all levels of government to commit these vile acts. State run media has been used to create and breed hatred against Falun Gong practitioners by inundating the public with lies. Even right and wrong are no longer visible behind the fabrications. And yet this is not the most shameful part of this persecution.


I was struggling with my decision to go to China because I had obligations at home, but I came to the realization that to go was fulfilling greater obligations I had to my family and all people. If I remained silent while the very foundations of morality and goodness were under attack what kind of world would remain to live in? What kind of world would my son grow up in? Could I just watch while others sacrificed for my rights while I did nothing?

I will forever be grateful to those practitioners who have had the courage to step forward in the face of unimaginable suffering and death to protect the fundamental qualities of goodness. Their sacrifices will echo through eternity and light the path for the future generations.

Sometimes in this short life we are blessed with the chance to stand up for our beliefs. I feel it is my privilege to, for a brief moment, proclaim to the world my unyielding faith in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

May the world's people quickly awaken to the truth!

Chun Lee

February 10, 2002