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AFP (Agence France-Presse): British Falun Gong member 'brutally' arrested in China: group

February 15, 2002 |  

Thursday, 14-Feb-2002

BEIJING, Feb 14 (AFP) - Chinese police "brutally" dragged a British female Falun Gong follower by her hair out of a Beijing hotel room on Thursday during a series of arrests ahead of a protest by the banned group, the organisation said.

A total of 21 Falun Gong followers, including four Britons and seven Germans, were detained in hotels during raids on Wednesday night and Thursday morning, said Gail Rachlin of the group's New York headquarters.

"A British woman was pulled away brutally by her hair," she said. Rachlin was unable to give more information about the arrests or the identity of the others detained.

Witnesses saw around 25 foreign Falun Gong followers dragged away on Beijing's Tiananmen Square as they attempted to protest against the Chinese ban on the group Thursday.

