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Short Stories: Discerning Right from Wrong

December 22, 2002 |   Written by a practitioner in Mainland China


The Inside Word from the Deputy Chief of a Police Department

A deputy chief of a police department called a practitioner and asked him to go to his office to have a discussion. He said, "Although I do not practice Falun Gong, I too wish that they will soon restore the good name of Falun Gong. After it is restored, we will have peace of mind when working on Falun Gong issues. You are all good people. Please do not blame us."

Who Is Making Trouble for Whom?

The manager called on a retired worker, Ms. Zheng and said, "Because of your practicing Falun Gong, the government often calls us to meetings and we have to regularly report to them. Don't practice anymore. Do not give me these troubles." Ms. Zheng replied, "I have not asked you to have a single meeting with the government, nor did I even invite you to come to my home. I did not order you to give regular reports. I have practiced Falun Gong for over 5 years and in that time I have not submitted medical benefits claims to our company for even a single penny. How can I make trouble to you? Who is making trouble for whom?" The manager had no choice but to leave without saying another word.