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Summary of Other Articles and News - 11/30/2002

December 02, 2002 |  


Truth and People's Thoughts

A letter to the parents-in-law from a Falun Gong practitioner who has been forced into homelessness to avoid persecution: To defend our belief is to defend the future of all Chinese people. To firmly believe in Falun Gong is to stick to the truth and to defend the truth. It is for the whole country and our nation, and it is consistent with people's benefits. It is not a private issue. I passed Falun Gong materials to you out of responsibility and filial piety. I hope you understand the truth, distinguish right from wrong, and position yourselves well. It is to build a bright and beautiful future for yourselves.

News and Activities Around the World

The Path to Eternal Happiness: I saw the cover page of a magazine by chance, with the news of the resignation of the CEO of one large company. I felt that there is no permanence in this world. Everything is like bubbles. I am lucky that I have found Falun Dafa that brings me true and eternal happiness. In everyday life I conform myself to the principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance." I no longer fight for personal benefits. I am open-minded, I am healthier, and I am always happy. People who practice Falun Gong are fortunate. Now I have a good career and a good family that people admire. Only by conforming to the principles of the universe can you get everlasting happiness. Dear friends, if you want to obtain true and everlasting happiness, please do not forget to read Zhuan Falun.