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Non-Practitioners Are Also Persecuted by Police

December 17, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Dafa and Dafa practitioners are being persecuted in China, yet the victims of the persecution are not only Dafa practitioners, but also non-practitioners as well. The following is the experience of two such people.

In October 2001, a man went to pick up some of his family members who were arriving at the train station. The police suspected that he was a Falun Dafa practitioner going to appeal in Beijing, so they locked him up without giving him a chance to defend himself. Afterwards, his family tried many ways to get him released. He was finally released after about ten days.

Several days ago I met a colleague that I had not seen for over a year. I told her of the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners and she sighed with emotion: "I fully understand your suffering, because even I, someone who does not practice Falun Gong, have experienced it myself. A while ago I went to Beijing. When I was walking along the platform at the train station, a policeman stopped me and checked my ID. Once he saw my address, he claimed that I must practice Falun Gong and that I must be going to Tiananmen Square to appeal, and he arrested me. They interrogated me daily, forcing me to give the names and addresses of my accomplices. I told them that I did not know anything about Falun Gong, and I was going to Beijing alone; therefore there were no accomplices. They did not believe me and they beat me and locked me up. You see the scar here? It is still there. They did not allow me to drink or eat. I only had a total of two meals in three days. Finally, I ran away when there was no one around. I was so angry! I felt so stupid, yet I did not mention it to anyone. What kind of life do we have here in China today? What era is this?"