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Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted by the Changcheng Police Station in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province

November 21, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Some extremely evil people from the Changcheng Police Station in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province have been continually persecuting local Falun Dafa practitioners. As early as 1998, these misguided people had already begun cooperating with a local TV station to make fabricated news defaming Falun Gong.

After July 20, 1999, policemen from this station suddenly broke into and searched the homes of local Falun Gong assistants, took away a lot of Falun Gong materials, and illegally confiscated more than 3600 Yuan in cash that was the personal savings of the individuals they harrassed. In addition, they forced local practitioners to write repentance letters [to renounce with their belief and practice of Falun Gong.]

In February 2000, seven local practitioners went to Beijing to peacefully appeal and clarify the truth. Later, all of their homes were illegally searched and each of them was fined 2000 Yuan and illegally put in custody for 15-30 days. After practitioners were released from custody, policemen still restricted their personal freedom, forcing them to report to the police station regularly.

In 2000, Changcheng policemen tried using money to bribe a practitioner into cooperating with them. When the practitioner refused, they threatened to send him to a forced labor camp. Later, they indeed sentenced him on fabricated charges.

During the New Year of 2001, many local practitioners went to Beijing to peacefully appeal. After being taken back home by local policemen, many of them were illegally sent to forced labor camps.

On the pretext of questioning practitioners, policemen tricked them into coming to the station, suddenly arrested them, and sent them to the forced labor camp. Using the practitioners' peaceful appeal to Beijing as an excuse, policemen illegally sent ten local practitioners to the forced labor camp.

Policemen have broken into and searched Falun Dafa practitioners' homes on many occasions, and confiscated much Falun Gong material, cash and other property. In an effort to injure practitioners financially, policemen pressured practitioners' working units to withhold practitioners' salaries. At this time, some practitioners still have not received their salaries.

In February 2001, police tricked quite a few practitioners into the county brainwashing center, and forced each of them to pay 600 Yuan in cash.

Having found out that an older practitioner (in her fifties) was clarifying the truth, they beat this old lady with electric batons, raising four dozen blisters on her body. Having guilty consciences for their criminal acts, when releasing this lady they asked her not to tell anybody what they had done. Afterwards they again brutally beat this lady, causing her to go deaf in one ear. Finally, they illegally sent her to a forced labor camp.

The persecution has left some practitioners homeless and some persecuted families have been harassed continuously. Those heartless policemen have even gone to the homes of practitioners' relatives to pressure them into giving information about practitioners' whereabouts. This persecution has also broken up many families.

When some practitioners encouraged policemen to do good deeds, one policeman proclaimed, "Even if the leader is wrong, we still obey him." Another policeman told a female practitioner on a hunger strike, "We are purposely torturing you, without killing you."

We urge these policemen to stop persecuting Falun Dafa and Dafa practitioners, and to treat them well instead. Otherwise, these policemen will be punished according to the law and to heaven's principles.

Already, some of these wicked persons have incurred karmic retribution for their evil deeds, as is shown in the following examples. If the others cannot wake up to reality in time, it will be too late for them to regret their mistakes.

In February 2001, Li Xiangzhong and other persons tricked Dafa practitioners into the county brainwashing center. Not long after then, his wife broke her leg.

In 2001, Zhang Jun and other persons broke into a practitioner's home and confiscated Falun Dafa materials, and also stole 8000 Yuan in cash. Not long after, he suffered a broken arm.

In 2001, a practitioner peacefully appealed for an end to the persecution. Li Xiangzhong ferociously demanded that this practitioner give him money, but this practitioner had no money. Under Li's pressure, this practitioner was forced to sell a gold necklace to pay this extortioner. Not long after, Li's home was burglarized.

We are distributing some of these persons' phone numbers and encouraging overseas practitioners to call these people and clarify the truth to them so they can renounce their wrongdoings and have a better future.

Area code: 86-816

Li Xiangzhong, Director of 610 Office, associate section director

Home #: 365-9216; Office #: 365-9195; Cell Phone: 139-8013-2126

Zhang Jun, associate section director

Home #: 365-9557

Nie Zhiyuan, associate section director

Home #: 365-5778

Wu Xianyang, worker in the 610 Office

Office #: 365-9271

Hao Chuanjiang, worker in the 610 Office

Home #: 364-1272

Ben Yougang, worker in the 610 Office

Home #: 364-4813

Zou Jiachao, director of the police station

Home #: 365-9379