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Studying the Fa: Experiencing Teacher's Tremendous Benevolence and Painstaking Effort

November 02, 2002 |   Written by a Falun Dafa Practitioner

After enlightening to Teacher's lectures on how we should be more tolerant and understanding of our fellow practitioners, and that we should study the Fa, send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the truth, I experienced Teacher's tremendous benevolence and realized the painstaking efforts that he has undertaken.

Previously, when I read the Fa taught by Teacher on being more tolerant of fellow practitioners and understanding each other, I understood it to mean that we should forgive and understand each other's shortcomings. But recently when I read this part of the Fa again, I enlightened to new connotations. I saw that it actually contains more of Teacher's benevolence and painstaking efforts because it "keeps" us from committing wrongdoings and incurring more karma. Being at different levels in our cultivation and with our human minds also at different levels, when we fail to look within ourselves, we are unwittingly using the standards at our own levels to make presumptions about other's states of mind and judge them. In this way, we commit wrongdoings unknowingly. In order to keep us from incurring more karma, our Teacher has provided the best way for us and tells us that regardless of the situation, we should try to be tolerant and understanding of each other. In this way, the benevolence of the higher level forbearing the lower level is demonstrated, but not only that, it also prevents the practitioners at the lower level from committing wrongdoings. Actually Teacher told us in Zhuan Falun:

"The person measures Buddha's xinxing with an ordinary person's criteria. How can that comparison be made? How can it work if a person views high-level things with the standard of everyday people? Therefore, a lot of these cases often take place when people regard their suffering in life as being unfair. Many people drop down this way. "

When I was able to experience Teacher's tremendous benevolence and painstaking efforts, I felt that we had no reason not to do well. Although sometimes we cannot fully enlighten to the deeper meaning of Teacher's Fa, we can still follow it in whatever we do, and enlighten to the deeper layers of meaning later. I recalled that in another practitioner's article, he mentioned that he read a passage in "A Heavy Blow":

"I suggest that everyone set his mind to reading ten times the book I wrote, Essentials for Further Advancement, which you call scripture. When your mind isn't at peace, studying the Fa is not effective. You should study it with a peaceful mind."

At first, he did not understand what Teacher meant, but he decided that he would nevertheless follow what Teacher said. As a result, without knowing it, he found that after the tenth reading, he could recite all the new articles without much effort. From this, Teacher's one sentence suddenly came into my mind: "What I lecture is...the Fa". At that moment, the word "Fa" flashed through my mind: the "Fa" is the "Dao". It is also the "reason." If you do what Teacher has told us to do, you will discover the reason and you will also realize the unexpected "benefit."

For example, Teacher tells us over and over that we must "study the Fa, study the Fa, and should never neglect in studying the Fa." Teacher is very patient in repeating this time and time again. In the beginning, we all understood that studying the Fa well was the basis for cultivating well. It was fundamental in guiding our cultivation and also assured that we could upgrade our levels and reach consummation. Later, in Touring North America to Teach the Fa, Teacher revealed a deeper layer of the Fa to us and I enlightened that studying the Fa is the process for the sentient beings in our cosmic bodies to be rectified and assimilated to the Fa. It is also how we lead our sentient beings in participating in the Fa-rectification process.

So at my present level, I understand that the three things that Teacher mentions that Fa-rectification period disciples must do well (studying the Fa well, clarifying the truth and sending forth righteous thoughts) are actually the tasks that are assigned to us as Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples. They are also our obligations in coming down to this human world. These are our responsibilities and we cannot emphasize one thing at the expense of neglecting the others, and neither can any of them be omitted. They also comprise one body. Failing this we would not be able to completely devote ourselves to Fa-rectification, not to mention reaching the great Consummation as Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples.

Human words can hardly describe Teacher's tremendous benevolence and painstaking efforts. Every sentence and every word of the Fa is infused with Teacher's care and love for all disciples. We're not always able to feel it though. But when we truly experience it from our inner hearts, we may experience feelings of guilt. Then let us turn that guilt into a motivating force to cultivate more diligently and make better use of our time to do the three things well. Let us not understand Teacher's Fa from just one angle and quote it out of context. Let us give up our attachment to time! How we actually fulfill these three responsibilities is crucial during the Fa-rectification process. Let us welcome the moment when the Fa rectifies the human world and let's hope that it comes as early as possible to fulfill Teacher's grand wish to rectify the Fa. This is the best way we can repay our benevolent Teacher.

The above is what I have enlightened to at the present time. I wrote it to share my experience with fellow practitioners. If there is anything that is improper, please correct it with benevolence.