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Germany: Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts at the Chinese Consulate in Munich

November 02, 2002 |   By practitioners in Germany


(Clearwisdom.net) In order to support and cooperate with the practitioners who are sending forth righteous thoughts in North America to eliminate the evil substances in other dimensions, practitioners from southern Germany and Austria gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate in Munich to send forth righteous thoughts constantly and intensively.

It was very windy and rainy in the area close to the consulate, and very cold at night; however, practitioners sat in the rain unaffected. When we heard that thousands of practitioners in North America had been traveling long distances and sending forth righteous thoughts every hour, day and night, sometimes in heavy rain and very cold weather, we were deeply touched and inspired. Practitioners encouraged one another not to slack off, and together with practitioners around the world, to use powerful righteous thoughts to clear away the evil.

On the nights of the 20th, 21st, and 22nd, the sky over Munich was extremely clear, with only a few thin clouds drifting over now and then. Around the moon, there appeared two huge and beautifully coloured halos. On the afternoon of the 26th, a huge rainbow appeared in the sky, which was extremely bright.