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"610 Office" Personnel Break the Arm of Cao Cha, An Excellent Teacher From Xinji City, Hebei Province

November 19, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Cao Cha, female, 38 years old, is a secondary school teacher from Xinji City, Hebei Province. In October of this year, she went to Zhao County to attend a meeting and was kidnapped by police while handing out materials clarifying the truth of Falun Gong. Some of the policemen in the Zhao County Public Security Bureau tortured Cao brutally before taking her back to Xinji City.

Later the "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems) of Xinji City beat her up and interrogated her with brutal torture methods. Despite all the torture, Cao kept telling the policemen the truth of Falun Gong and gave them the chance to conduct themselves like human beings. However, having lost their human nature, these perpetrators became irritated and tortured Cao even more brutally to such an extent that they broke her arm. When they took her to the hospital for treatment, the "610 Office" personnel dared not give her true name. Instead, they made up the fake name, "Cao Xiang." In order to cover up their crimes, they claimed that her arm was broken when she tried to escape.

The policemen also ransacked Cao Cha's house and confiscated her computer, printer and other supplies, which are worth more than 20,000 Yuan (the yearly average salary in China is about 5000 Yuan).

Cao has been teaching for 20 years and has made outstanding contributions to education. However, now she is illegally detained in Xinji City Detention Center and has been tortured so brutally that she cannot take care of herself anymore.

Responsible parties and their phone numbers:

Deputy director of Xinji City Public Security Bureau: Zhao Shuhua, 86-311-3224939

Political an security department of Xinji City Public Security Bureau: Geng Chao, 86-311-3223752

Director of Xinji City "610 Office": Li Xiaofen, 86-311-3253091, 86-311-3253092

November 4, 2002