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Letter from UK MEP Caroline Jackson to Hong Kong Chief Executive

November 01, 2002 |  

Mr Tung Chee Hwa
Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR

5/F Main Wing

Central Government Offices

Lower Albert Road

Hong Kong

30th August 2002

Dear Mr Tung

I would like to express my surprise and regret at the treatment by the Hong Kong Police of the Falun Gong practitioners arrested in Hong Kong. It was hoped that when Hong Kong ceased to be administered by the British authorities, it would lead the way for the rest of China in respect for human rights. This hope is now deceived.

I very much hope that you will use your powers to ensure that there is no repeat of the most regrettable incidents in the spring of this year when Falun Gong practitioners were treated very badly by police who seem to have been out of control. If Hong Kong wants to be a part of the modern world, it needs to leave behind the kind of mindset that has produced the proposal for its 'subversion' law.

I urge the Hong Kong SAR government to investigate the human rights abuses that have been alleged and to drop the charges against Falun Gong practitioners.

Yours sincerely

Caroline Jackson MEP.