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Latest News from China - 10/24/2002

November 01, 2002 |  


  • [Handan city, Hebei Province] Police Persecute the Family of Dafa Practitioners Forced into Homelessness
  • [Handan City, Hebei Province] Lawless Officials Force Dafa Practitioners to Watch Defamatory Movies
  • [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] A Family of Three Is Arrested
  • [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Six Practitioners Are Arrested
  • [China] Jiang's Regime Strengthens Internet Blockade On the eve of Sixteenth Conference
  • [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] 610 Office Tramples on Citizens' Freedom of Belief

[Handan city, Hebei Province] Police Persecute the Family of Dafa Practitioners Forced into Homelessness

Lawless policemen of Handan City recently launched a new cycle of frenzied persecution against Dafa practitioners, especially those who have been forced into homelessness. They put pressure on the families of practitioners if they do not know the whereabouts of the practitioners. Police willfully detain, harass and restrict their personal freedom. And they willfully extort, fine and dismiss the family members from work or school, and even seal the doors of their homes and threaten them with selling their homes. Police use these methods to force practitioners' family members to search for practitioners and help them reach their evil goal. To Dafa practitioners: please send strong righteous thoughts to eliminate all evil in other dimensions and break the arrangements of the old forces.

[Handan City, Hebei Province] Lawless Officials Force Dafa Practitioners to Watch Defamatory Movies

Yesterday, I went to the home of my neighbor and heard a strange thing. I heard them say that the ruling Party is really despicable because they utilize all means to deceive people. A few days ago, Handan Cinema played a film to slander Falun Dafa. Leaders from various levels adopted deceitful means to send Dafa practitioners someplace in a taxi cab. As a result, Dafa practitioners found that the destination point was Handan Cinema and the theatre played a movie that slandered Dafa. The people at the gate were all police. At that time, practitioners sent pure righteous thoughts together to break the plan of the evil. As a result, the film failed to play and all practitioners went home safely.

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] A Family of Three Is Arrested

A woman named Liang is 70 years old and lives in No. 5 building in the family area of Huanggu Automobile Factory in Shenyang. On July 10, 2002, she was taken away by the lawless thugs from the local police station, the work unit and the street committee, who broke the window of her home.

Dong Min, the daughter of Liang, was arrested around July 8, 2002 in her work unit by officials of the 610 Office of Heping District.

Dong Yiran, the son of Liang, is a university graduate. He works in the chemical analytical office in Shenyang Police Department. He was dismissed because he insisted on practicing Dafa. In May 2002, the vicious police from Changjiang police station in Huanggu District arrested him at home. His whereabouts are not known.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Six Practitioners Are Arrested

On the morning of October 19, 2002, Wang Jinlian and five other practitioners went to Snake Mountain in Wuchang for a walk; however, they were arrested by dozens of vicious policemen from Wuchang District Police Department without any reason. It is said that police surrounded the whole mountain on that day and sealed it off.

[China] Jiang's Regime Strengthens Internet Blockade On the eve of Sixteenth Conference

One of my friends went to a telecommunications company to apply for a broadband Internet Account. He was so excited; however after he completed the procedure and went on the Internet, he was blocked from the websites he wanted to visit. He became angry and called the telecommunications company to ask what was going on. The company replied: the upper authority has given the order that before the eve of 16th Conference, all "sensitive" overseas websites are not allowed to be visited.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] 610 Office Tramples on Citizens' Freedom of Belief

The 610 Office have adopted vicious and sinister means to persecute Dafa practitioners. They torture Dafa practitioners both mentally and physically. Chen Kangyan from Wuhan 610 Office issued strict orders to each area and his subordinates executed savage brainwashing of practitioners by all means.

Wuhan City and Hebei Province held two high-intensity brainwashing classes from May to July. Besides the means that had been reported on Minghui, they utilized hypocrisy and deceit. For example, the city leaders would live with Dafa practitioners, and some betrayed Truth, Compassion, Tolerance in this way. Or the authorities would try to make one feel isolated from other practitioners by claiming that others had given up the practice. Clearly, the evil will release you if you do not give up or give in to their terror. At this time, if you have any heart of seeking comfort you will be in danger.

Here we remind each fellow practitioner that under any difficult situation, please regard the Fa as the teacher and always assimilate with the Fa.

The list of vicious people: Chen Kangyan, Deng Bin, Hu Shaobin, Xu Bikang.

Wuhan 610 Office: 86-27-82402846


