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Voice of America: Falun Gong Became Only Group to Stage Protests at APEC Summit

October 30, 2002 |   Greg Flakus

Mexico City

28 Oct 2002

Falun Gong demonstrators at APEC summit
VOA photo - G. Flakus

The summit of Pacific rim leaders, which ended in Los Cabos, Mexico Sunday, was carried out under strict security that limited access to dissenters. The only group that managed to stage protests at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum known as APEC, was the Chinese Falun Gong movement.

Most of the usual demonstrators found outside such summit meetings were not present in Los Cabos because of the remote nature of the site. The hotels where the meetings took place are strung along the coast and backed by desert mountains where few people live. In addition, most areas near the hotels were blocked to anyone without an official APEC credential.

About 150 practitioners of Falun Gong came anyway and set up demonstrations along the coastal highway in hopes of influencing visiting Chinese officials, including Chinese President Jiang Zemin. But, when he arrived Saturday, Mexican police drove buses in front of the protesters. Falun Gong supporter Josh Maiman who came to Los Cabos from Los Angeles, describes what happened.

Josh Maiman
VOA photo - G. Flakus

"A group of 150 people were demonstrating and three buses blocked our view as the Chinese motorcade came. We were completely blocked from the Chinese view," he said.

When asked whether he knew the Mexicans were going to do that, he responded, "No. We had no idea." Mr. Maiman also said the protesters had permission to be there.

Some Falun Gong participants complain that Mexican immigration officials photocopied their travel documents when they arrived at the airport, but most say they were treated fairly here in Mexico. Kerry Huang, a Falun Gong practitioner from San Francisco, said even though they had little access to the summit participants, they did get a chance to explain their cause to Mexicans in the area.

Kerry Huang
VOA photo - G. Flakus

"A lot of people were very supportive after they know about the brutal persecution. They think that is not right. This is not right at all. People are supposed to have the basic human right to freedom of belief," she said.


President Vicente Fox said the isolation of the Los Cabos summit site made for a relaxed atmosphere that contributed to better interaction.

In remarks to reporters after the summit, Mr. Fox compared this year's event to the APEC summit in Shanghai, China last year where, he said, millions of people were kept out of the city to create a more calm environment. The Mexican president said his nation had demonstrated how to hold a summit under, in his words, "democratic conditions."
