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Sharing My Understanding with Everyday People of Why Falun Gong Practitioners Want to Go To Chicago and Texas

October 22, 2002 |   --Written by a young American practitioner

Why do Falun Gong practitioners care so much about being in Chicago and Texas during Jiang's visit? Why do they discuss things such as "righteous thoughts" and "cleaning out evil"?

I wanted to share my own understanding on these issues, so as to demystify some of the terminology and concepts that practitioners are currently talking about.

1) It is widely known in political, human rights, and media circles that Jiang Zemin is the driving force behind the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Practitioners, of course, wish to raise awareness among the American people and the government about these human rights violations so that they can all work together to end this crisis. At the same time, they wish to show to Jiang all the support that Falun Gong has in the United States, and that people of all backgrounds, ages, and nationalities are practicing Falun Gong, and that it will not be silenced or crushed.

2) Falun Gong practitioners believe more than anything in the power of compassion. They believe that compassion can completely transform an environment or a person. This is a belief commonly held by many Christians, Jews, and other religious believers as well--that compassion is the most powerful force in the universe. In Chicago and Texas, practitioners would like to create a calm, compassionate presence, by traveling there in large numbers, meditating, and keeping positive thoughts in their minds at all times. There is a saying: "compassion has the power to melt steel." Practitioners feel that this presence of compassion and positive, "righteous thoughts," will have great power with regard to cleansing oneself and improving the environment including the human rights situation in China.

Practitioners who have been facing brutal persecution in China have always responded to their situation in a compassionate way. They have never once retaliated with violence, and have refused to regard their captors as enemies. We practitioners outside of China have always taken the same approach, and will continue to do so. Each and every one of us.

Practitioners wish to bring a calm, pure, loving, compassionate presence to Texas and to help the American people and President Bush better understand the human rights violations that are taking place in China.

This is only my personal understanding on these matters, which I wanted to share. Thanks for your attention.