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My Understandings on Righteous Thoughts and Interference During This Critical Period

October 21, 2002 |   By a Practitioner in Canada

(Clearwisdom.net) I have heard many discussions and sharing among practitioners about focusing on eliminating external interference, as manifested by the old forces' using different people and different things to obstruct practitioners.

It was shared at our group study that when practitioners try to rectify and eliminate the evil at the critical moment, theyáhave been attacked and fall asleep, or can't focus, or can't move at all. They can't even remember the phrases that we say so many times. The old forces paralyze them. In everyday life old thoughts and attachments that were thought to be gone come back to attack our peaceful minds.

In my understanding the most important focus to strengthen our righteous thoughts is to eliminate the demons that we have in our own mind and body, our own field. That is all thoseásubtle, almost invisibleáthoughts of anger, frustration, laziness, selfishness, sentimentality,áinsecurity, lust, excitement, complacency, fogginess, self interest, jealousy, pursuit,á... Any bad thought or judgmental thought we have at any time will swell into interference and become an opportunity for the old forces to knock us off. Our actual thoughts are where the omissions that the demons capitalize on manifest, and this is where theyáusuallyáhide.á

The most destructiveádemons are the ones that we let manifest in our own minds by our unawareness or our lack of self-control. At this important time, at every moment of time left,áit is most important and most crucial to be totally aware of every thought and every action in every circumstance we are in. Our own field is the most critical one to clear before we can truly do anything for Fa-rectification.

As soon as we catch a thought that is not within our principles, we must be quick, determined and strong to eliminate it -- "That's not me, I am a Dafa practitioner. You are eliminated."

Once we make the distinction that those thoughts are not us, they will be eliminated. When we realize that they are actually nothing, a small finger is enough to crush them.

Our main consciousness must be strong. Our thoughts must be clear andáfull of righteous faith in Dafa's principles.

We mustástudy Zhuan Falun and ensure the quality of our Fa-study. We must be razor sharp in our own minds and be clear on our sacred responsibilities of saving sentient beings as Fa-rectification Dafa disciples.áThen we will be able to eliminate all the evil in our own field and fulfill our mission to the best of our ability.áá

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