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Thoughts on "Dying the Cruelest Death"

October 21, 2002 |   By a Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Oftentimes we come across articles by fellow practitioners in which they say that they would not hesitate to "die the cruelest death" in order to save sentient beings; that they would not have objections if they "perished together with the evil" in their efforts to eliminate the evil, and that they would "validate the Fa with their own life," and other comments. I was deeply moved by their determination to cultivate in Dafa, their selflessness and fearless realm of mind to offer salvation to sentient beings. It also often occurs to me, though, that Dafa created me. Do I need to die the cruelest death? Is the evil worthy for us to perish with it together? If we all validate the Fa with our lives, then who will do the truth-clarification work?

I remember once during meditation, a scene appeared in my mind of a Dafa practitioner wearing a T-shirt with a Fa-validating poem on it. Then I started to silently recite the poem that had moved me to tears so many times before. When I recited, "my head may be cut off and my blood may be shed," another strong thought rushed into my mind, "I'm a Fa-rectification period disciple, why should my head be cut off? Why should I shed my blood? I will rectify all that is not righteous and eliminate all the evil."

As soon as this thought flashed through my mind, I felt a shock throughout my body and immense energy radiated in all directions, as if breaking through layers of cosmos, and melting into the universe. I entered an incomparably wonderful realm, feeling so happy, so sacred and so great. I felt I was inviolably majestic. Indeed, I'm a disciple of the Lord Buddha. This is what I should be like.

From then on, I have come to a new understanding of "life" and "death," namely that there is actually no life and death for Fa-rectification Dafa disciples, because what awaits us is the eternity of life. Master will give us the best. Our body in the human world is for us to validate the Fa. Only by having this body are we able to clarify the truth, to offer salvation to sentient beings, to manifest the wonders of Dafa and to expose the evil. The evil wants to destroy us physically. If we do not take care of our body, isn't it as bad as conforming to the old forces' arrangements?

Whenever I read about practitioners striking their head against wall or jumping off a building when being chased by the evil, I feel very sad. Although I was moved by their heroic undertaking, at the same time I felt there was no need to do so. We all know that the evil is nothing, not even worthy for us to twist our little finger. Then why do we sometimes regard the evil as unduly strong?

We understand from the Fa that when future gods come down to the world to save people, they will never again experience what Jesus Christ experienced -- being nailed to the cross. We are creating the future! We should absolutely not allow any thoughts in our minds that conform to the idea of being persecuted by the evil.

The above is my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.