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Short Stories about People Who Have Learned the Truth about Falun Gong

October 16, 2002 |  


  1. "All of the people in this factory should practice Falun Gong"
  2. Fellow Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li often took some truth-clarifying material to show his colleagues in the factory. One day, that material was seen by the director of the factory who then said, "Don't bring such things into the factory in the future." "Furthermore," he said again, "at least don't let me see them."

    Then winter came and the director bought much plastic insulation and asked some workers to nail it onto the windows to keep the factory warm. The only ones willing to do it were two Falun Gong practitioners (The director and other workers all know that they are Falun Gong practitioners). Later, the director spoke loudly, "Look at those Falun Gong practitioners. In the future all people in our factory should practice Falun Gong. We can ask them to teach us. All Falun Gong practitioners can come to my place to work. No matter where else they are rejected, Falun Gong practitioners are welcome here. I am happy to accept all of them."

  3. "You'd better practice continually."
  4. A lady could not dismiss doubts about Falun Gong even after Dafa disciples clarified the truth to her many times. One day she suddenly said to a Falun Gong practitioner, "This time I do believe Falun Gong. I went to travel in Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore. I saw a lot of pictures of your Teacher wearing a cassock, and they were all bright and shining! I also saw a lot of material talking about how Jiang brings calamities and disasters to China. You'd better keep practicing Falun Dafa."

  5. "All of us know that Falun Gong is good"
  6. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang showed truth clarifying material to colleagues in her company. One of her colleagues said, "All of us know that Falun Gong is very good. You can show us those materials, but don't show them to our supervisors." Ms. Wang smiled understandingly. Actually she had shown those materials to the supervisors already.

  7. A government official began practicing Falun Gong after he learned the truth
  8. Mr. Zhang is a government official who was put into a detention center for fighting with others. In the detention center, he came to know some Falun Gong practitioners and later understood that Falun Dafa is a righteous way. After he was released, he managed to find a copy of Zhuan Falun. Now he has started to practice Falun Gong and to clarify the truth to other people every day. He tells others that Falun Gong is slandered and suppressed, and that the so-called Tiananmen "self-immolation" was directed by Jiang to implicate Falun Gong. One day Mr. Zhang was arrested and sent to the detention center because he posted a truth clarifying leaflet in the streets at lunchtime. When the police handcuffed Mr. Zhang, he said, "It is too tight, it is too painful." Then the policeman relaxed the handcuffs a little bit. While those policemen went to sleep after lunch, Mr. Zhang kept sending forth righteous thoughts in his mind, and took his hands out of the handcuffs. He thought, "Let them keep sleeping." Then he went out of the detention center unnoticed.

  9. Kind people copy and send out truth clarifying leaflets
  10. A few days ago, I had the chance to meet my cousins and to clarify the truth to them. One of my cousins is a supervisor in his workplace. He said to me, "My family often receives leaflets about Falun Gong. Every time I read them carefully. I find that what Falun Gong says is quite reasonable. One leaflet said: "Please don't tear this up; please pass it to more people and let more people get the benefits." I thought that whoever saw the leaflet would benefit, so I copied 100 pieces and sent them out with my wife. Since then, everything has been going very well in my family, which gives me a special feeling. My sister, could you please lend me Zhuan Falun? I want to read it." I said, "What you have done will bring you good returns."

  11. Witnessing the magic of Dafa, a lay Buddhist changes her mind

Practitioner X has four people in her family. Her husband and her daughter, Lingling, all practice Falun Dafa. Her mother-in-law who is eighty years old is a pious lay Buddhist. She had some misunderstandings of Dafa, so she always opposed her granddaughter's practice of Falun Gong, using the pretext that the child needed time to study. On the afternoon on August 24, Lingling wanted to practice the Falun Gong exercises when she suddenly had a terrible stomachache. She was sick and pale, turning from side to side on her bed. The grandmother had no way to solve the problem and worried a lot. When the practitioner came back, she encouraged her daughter to sit up and send forth righteous thoughts together with her to eliminate the evils in other dimensions. In 10 minutes, a miracle happened. All the pain in her stomach disappeared; her face turned back to normal; and then she began to practice the exercises. The grandmother watched the entire process. Dafa moved her deep in her heart. She eliminated her bias against Dafa, and has never opposed her granddaughter's practice of Falun Gong since.