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Summary of Other Articles and News - 1/4/2002

January 07, 2002 |  


The Righteous Voice

A co-worker who emigrated from Mainland China to the United States often made negative comments about Falun Gong. I have been promoting Dafa and clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to him for more than one year. On the first day of work in the new year, he said, "Because of your influence, while I chatted with my friends, I said some words of justice for Falun Gong and was questioned closely whether I practiced Falun Gong." After hearing this, I was really happy for him.

Latest News from China

Today, 90 people published statements, solemnly declaring that everything they did under the evil's brutal torture, brainwashing and strong coercion, that did not conform to Dafa is null and void. They will cultivate resolutely, cherish their time, redouble their efforts to make up for the loss they brought to Dafa, and catch up with the Teacher's Fa-rectification process.

I was sent to Maojiashan Female Forced Labor Camp in Chongqing City for going to Tiananmen Square to unfurl a truth-clarifying banner. The evil people persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners by locking them up in the small cell, putting shackles on them, beating them, forcing them to stand or squat down for a long time, and not allowing practitioners to wash and clean. On May 13, Jun Zi was forced to stand still from 5:00 a.m. in the morning until 12:00 p.m. every day for two months. This caused her feet to become swollen and infected.

The phone numbers of people who are responsible for the death of Wang Kefei:

Luan Yunjuan, the murderer, 011-86-431-8726890, residing in Hexi District Duibinhe residential area in Yitong City;

Liu Benwen, secretary of Disciplinary Inspection Committee, (cell) 011-86-13504431181;

Ma Liting, chief of the police station, 011-86-431-5924643, (cell) 011-86-13843020118.

An open letter written by the former director of Program Department in the People's Radio Station of Guangdong Province, to the Party Committee of the radio station, "You gave your [Radio Station's] money and energy to the '610' office to support the use of inhuman tactics in torturing an employee, who, even you have to admit, always had great work performance. How could you face your own conscience? Retribution is inevitable. Among those who participated in my persecution, some suddenly died of violent diseases, and some of their family members went insane."

A 13-year-old middle school student, Zhang Ce, at Liaohe Oil Field Experimental Middle School in Liaoning Province is heartbroken, yet he has nowhere to turn for justice. His father was sentenced to forced labor and suffered all kinds of torture. On December 5, 2001, seven to eight vicious policemen from the "610" office of Panjin City, Liaoning Province suddenly broke into a classroom and took away by force Zhang Ce's mother, who was teaching the class at that time.

Practitioners in Panjin City, Liaoning Province pay tribute to the 36 Western practitioners who rectified the Fa on Tiananmen Square:

Rectifying the Fa on Tiananmen

Touching the gods in the universe

Selflessly saving sentient beings with benevolence

Achieving a magnificent deed that will be recorded in the cosmos

Chinese practitioners also sent their congratulations to Changchun Falun Dafa Day and the inauguration of the Finland Falun Dafa Association.

A Lesson to Learn

The persecution of Dafa practitioners by the Security Department in Jiangxi Province has brought disasters to the local communities. In the evening of December 30, 2001, an explosion occurred in Fengchen Mining Ltd. where 20 died and at least 24 were injured. The explosion at Wanzhai Fireworks Company has also caused 69 deaths and injuries. On December 25, a mine truck exploded while going through an inspection in Xiusui County, causing 9 deaths and 26 injuries.

The "6.10" Office of Hunan Province robbed Falun Gong practitioners of their property. The Baimalong Detention Center in Zhuzhou City force-fed Falun Gong practitioners with sharp bamboo tubes, even to the point of death. The evil acts have brought disasters to the local people. There was a fire in a grain storehouse in Yueyang City, and over 20 tons of grain was destroyed. There was also a fire in a mountain forest in Liuyang City and nearly a thousand mu (a Chinese unit of land measurement, equivalent to 0.165 acre per Mu) of forest was destroyed.

News from Overseas

During the visit of Hu Jintao, the Vice Chairman of China, to Spain, Falun Gong practitioners went to appeal. They unfurled a banner in front of the hotel where Hu was staying, and shouted, "Falun Dafa is Good" in front of the Governor's Office, touching everyone's heart inside.

Discussion Forum

Something only exists if you believe in it, and it does not exist if you do not believe in it. This actually means that it is easier to feel something if you believe in it, and that it is more difficult to feel it if you do not believe in it. Belief is like an instrument for experimentation through which you can explore other dimensions.