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Summary of Other Articles and News - 1/2/2002

January 05, 2002 |  


Exposing the Illegal Deeds of the Chinese Embassy and Consulate in Canada

Canadian Falun Gong practitioners wrote letters to the Chinese Embassy and the Chinese Consulate on December 31st expressing their outrage about the incident in which a Consulate staff member beat a Falun Gong practitioner who was visiting the Consulate. They will use all legal means to expose the harassment and threats that Falun Gong practitioners have experienced at the hands of the Chinese Embassy and Consulate.


Breaking Through the Information Blockade: More and More People Are Understanding That They Are Being Deceived

While I was visiting relatives one by one to clarify the truth, one brother-in-law said, "The only source of information I have is CCTV. Now I know that the 'self-immolation' incident was created to frame practitioners." Another brother said, "Since you told me the truth, I understand the whole situation. We know what is good and bad."

The truth is clear, good and evil are clear. The following is a dialogue between people who were talking about the incident of Fu Yibin killing his parents and CCTV using it to frame Falun Gong:

Person A: I think that Fu Yibin looks like a psycho. He sounds crazy and makes no sense; can he be a normal person?

Person B (whose neighbor is a lay Buddhist): Fabricating such vicious lies to slander Buddha is a huge crime and will receive harsh punishment.

Person C: It's horrible that we Chinese people are being deceived like this; it's so difficult to find out what the truth is!

Also, I would like to talk about the importance of clarifying the truth to family and friends. If we fully utilize our close relationship to clarify the truth to them, our predestined relationship with them will be settled with benevolent solutions. From another perspective, there are many practitioners in China. If each one clarifies the truth well to the people they know, then all Chinese people will be covered.

I clarified the truth about Falun Gong at a holiday party held by a friend. When I explained the phenomenon of one's main consciousness leaving the body, a lady from Beijing suddenly shouted excitedly, "I know that! There was this time when I fell unconscious because of an illness. Soon after, I discovered that I had floated up to the ceiling, and I saw the doctor and nurses who were surrounding me trying to revive me. I shouted anxiously from up there, 'Hi, I'm here!'"

Here are five pieces of kindly advice for Chinese government officials. 1) We advise Chinese government officials to think twice before they take actions [to persecute Falun Gong]; 2) Good will be rewarded with good and evil will be punished; 3) Jiang Zemin has bound all government officials to his pirate ship [forced them to follow him to do evil persecution], thus he is destroying the Party and its political power from the inside; 4) the persecution of Falun Gong will fail for sure, and 5) "the ones who do evil against Dafa go down into the gate of no-life."

The Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Yang Jiechi, had a heart attack on December 12, 2001 and owes his life to emergency surgery afterwards. He has received a benevolent warning from heaven. Anyone who does not place himself in the right position and takes part in the persecution of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance" is certain to have a sad end. The countless Chinese officials and policemen in China who have received retribution are good examples of this.


Latest News from China

160 people published solemn statements declaring that everything they had said under strong pressure and torture is invalid. They expressed their intention to redouble their efforts to clarify the truth, expose the evil, and eliminate the evil while safeguarding Dafa so as to become real Dafa disciples who live up to the requirements of Dafa.

A practitioner from Jiahua Cement Co. in Leshan City, Sichuan Province appealed for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong and was detained and beaten. His home was searched and he was put under house surveillance. Another practitioner's cancer was cured through practicing Falun Gong, so he went to Beijing to clarify the truth to the authorities. The people in the 610 Office and the security department kidnapped him. His home was searched and he was beaten.

Practitioners in Beijing celebrated "Falun Dafa Day in Changchun City (Jilin Province)."


Oversea news summary

On December 28, members of the embassy staff of the Chinese XX Party in Ottawa, Canada beat a student, Wang Xueliang, a Falun Gong practitioner who was invited to attend an embassy party. Two embassy staff members threatened him and said: "Do you know where you are now? This is Chinese territory." Afterwards they forcefully pushed and pulled him to a downstairs room, where they beat him fiercely on the head.

Promoting the Fa in Venezuela: From November 7 to December 5, I went to Venezuela to promote the Fa and clarify the truth for a month. Whether I was in the capital or in remote provinces, I felt Buddha's infinite grace everywhere and Dafa's boundless might.


Cultivation Practice Story

For many years, in order to cure my diseases, I spent several ten thousand Yuan. Experts and professors from famous hospitals and other Qigong schools could not cure my diseases. However, Falun Dafa that Teacher Li Hongzhi founded saved me. It rescued me from a sea of pain and diseases forever. He did not ask me for a penny! Dafa gave me brand-new and healthy life.