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Hongfa on Australia Day

January 30, 2002 |   By Melbourne Practitioners

January 26 is the National Day of Australia. The cities of Victoria Province were sure to hold various celebration activities, so practitioners began preparing for the Hongfa activities for the holiday celebration a long time beforehand. January 26 was the hottest day of this summer. Starting in the early morning, practitioners went to three major celebration locations to set up exhibition booths: Kingston, Dandenong and Downtown Melbourne. The activities started at 10 a.m. and included a parade, Falun Gong exercise demonstrations and interviews with the media. To avoid having insufficient people for important events due to the spread out locations, many practitioners moved between the locations, which produced excellent results. Many practitioners who did not attend many group activities before joined the activities. Some new practitioners also joined the parade. The young practitioners were especially laudable. As soon as they finished a parade, they hurried to another place for exercise demonstrations. Even though they were very young, they played an important part in Hongfa and Fa-rectification. Their extraordinary performances left a deep impression on the local people.

The Royal Auto Club of Victoria held its celebration in a park and extended their invitation to us due to our excellent performance last year. They offered the best spot and audio systems for our use. We also took the opportunity to hold a small scale Peaceful Journey of Falun Dafa photo exhibition. Our demonstration and exhibition attracted many visitors, and some people came to sign the petition in support.

On January 27, some practitioners went to Geelong City to attend the celebration activities. Geelong is the second largest city in Victoria Province. Many of its residents had heard about Falun Gong and expressed a desire to learn the exercises. They had left contact information with us, so that we could try our best to help them. The event organizer provided a big open area and a red tent for us to do demonstrations and hold a photo exhibition.

At the same time, there was a Vietnamese spring festival celebration on Vietnam Street of Melbourne. We had a booth at a good location and the effect was very good. Many practitioners took time to participate in the activities. Over 500 copies of CDs and many Vietnamese flyers about Falun Dafa were distributed. The celebration lasted until after 8 p.m.

Throughout the activities we heard many people talking about Falun Dafa. It's clear that Falun Dafa has touched people's hearts. It has been two years, and we have come a long way through hardships and tribulations. Through the changes in people's attitude toward Dafa, we have seen people coming to have better understandings of Dafa and fully supporting us.