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Belgian Practitioners Clarify the Truth in Front of the Stock Market

January 24, 2002 |  

On Saturday, January 19th, Falun Dafa practitioners hung up banners in front of the Stock Market in Brussels that read "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance" and "China: Stop the State Terrorism Against Falun Gong Practitioners," as well as hung up banners exposing the torture endured by practitioners in Mainland China. We practiced the exercises on the front steps of the Stock Market and handed out truth-clarifying materials the entire afternoon. In the evening, our demonstration was concluded by a candle light vigil in memory of those practitioners who lost their lives under the evil's persecution.

When some practitioners first arrived to prepare everything, it suddenly began to rain heavily, and we had to protect the materials while we sent forth righteous thoughts. After that, the clouds broke up. Later in the afternoon, there were also a few showers. We were not disturbed by them and calmly continued our practice. A few minutes later the sun was shining brilliantly. From this I enlightened to the fact that if we keep a righteous mind at all times, all bad elements will fail to interfere with our activities, and the environment will certainly be cleaned out.

There were many people passing by as it was the first day of the sales week, and most of them gladly accepted our materials, some even asking for an extra copy for their friends and relatives. One policeman who didn't know that we had permission for our demonstration asked what we were doing here. As soon as he saw the picture of a severely tortured practitioner on a flyer that I gave to him, he was clearly shocked and said: "OK, this says enough." There were many Chinese tourists as well, and some enthusiastically took pictures of our practice and of our banners. They also asked us many questions with great interest, and sadly shook their heads when they heard that the people on the pictures we showed them had all passed away. I felt very happy for these people when I observed their kindhearted faces, and I thanked our Teacher in my heart for giving us the opportunity to tell them the truth about Falun Gong.

We felt that this Hongfa activity was very good. After the activities concluded, we came together to discuss how we can do better in clarifying the truth, and thus further eliminate the evil in Belgium.