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"Human Rights Scoundrels" Have Brought On Natural And Man-made Disasters

January 19, 2002 |  

The Warning from Heaven

Shandong Province authorities and the police department have assisted the viscious people to commit crimes. They relentlessly persecuted Dafa practitioners. They forced an eight months pregnant Dafa practitioner to have an abortion and then illegally sent her to a mental hospital. Heaven has given a warning: According to insiders, a recent explosion in Wennan Coal Mine of Xinwen Mining Group in Shangdong Province has caused 69 deaths.


Beijing Residents Suffer from Natural And Man-made Disasters

Since July of 1999, the "Human Rights Scoundrel" Jiang has openly libeled Falun Gong and inhumanly persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. Since then, natural and man-made disasters have been occurring nonstop everywhere. This year, during the winter in Beijing, continuous high temperatures and strong, gusty winds have brought sand and dust storms to many areas. At the same time, the flu epidemic has reached its pinnacle. On Jan 7, there was a large fire in the flower market in Dongsanhuan, and at least three people were killed.

January 7, 2002, Laitai flower market in Beijing Dong Sanhuan Area had a huge fire.


A Large Scale Flu Epidemic Has Spread Over Northern Part of China

The Jiang regime has maliciously persecuted Falun Dafa; it is responsible for the ill fortunes that have brought the flu epidemic to the masses. It was especially serious in the northern part of China where many people were affected. Recently, wide-spread flu epidemics have occurred in Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Qingdao, Xi'an and other big cities. "Have you gotten the flu?" has become the local greeting.