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Solidarity Hunger Strike in the City of Berne, Switzerland

September 30, 2001 |   Practitioners in Switzerland

September 18, 2001

To show our solidarity with the 130 hunger strikers in Masanjia Labor Camp we held a three-day hunger strike in three cities in Switzerland -- Berne, Geneva and Zurich.

Following are some experiences of the group in Berne

First, we had difficulties with the police in securing a permit. After some effort, we were able to speak with a police officer around 4 PM. Our dialogue lasted for 45 minutes. We were able to repair an issue of broken trust. We were the first group in history to receive a three-day and three-night permit to hold a hunger strike. That showed us that the police are very supportive.

When we assembled at 9 AM on Thursday at the place the police had assigned to us, we discovered that we had been assigned a location where no one would be able to see us. A practitioner telephoned the chief of police and inquired whether it would be possible to move a few meters forward where everyone could see us. He responded by saying that the head of all the police chiefs had signed the permit and would not be available until the following day. But, he would try for us and would let us know as soon as possible. Five minutes later he called back with an o.k. We settled in at the new location for the next three days. Practitioners from the City of Thun reinforced our small group. The second day people from the City of Basle joined us. They stayed until Saturday morning.

The location was indeed good. All day long commuter traffic passed us on their way into the city. Additionally, three car lanes and a bus lane going to the center of town passed by us. We sent forth-righteous thoughts every hour on the hour and handed informational materials to passers-by. That gave us an opportunity to talk to people. Even some cars and bicycles that had initially passed by returned when they saw us in the circle. They wanted to know why we were on a hunger strike. Even an editor for the Confederation (a local newspaper) came and asked us a few questions. He told us that he would send a photographer to take our picture. The next morning the newspaper showed a huge picture of us and the write-up was well done.

In the middle of the following night it began to rain severely. Totally drenched, some practitioners found refuge in a practitioner's apartment for a few hours. Two practitioners remained until we returned the following morning.

The second day we had repeat visitors from people who had seen us the first day. They wanted to be more informed about our mission.

A priest visited us and reviewed the information posters. He wanted to support us and will speak to a human rights organization on our behalf.

In the evening, a woman approached us, scolding us. She quickly acknowledged that we are indeed good people when we explained the truth to her. Then she said she would support us. An old man who had received the [Falun Gong] newspaper from us the previous day joined the conversation and told this woman that she must read this newspaper, that it is full of information. The following day he returned and got another newspaper.

Many people said that we were doing well and one patted a practitioner's shoulder saying: "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance is what we all need now."

A practitioner had her eyes closed while sending forth righteous thoughts, she noticed everything had a violet and red hue. When she opened her eyes she saw that the whole area, including the street appeared light yellow which she had not seen before. She experienced a feeling of great happiness to be there. Having arrived at home, she became very tired and experienced guanding. She then got diarrhea, which was bloody and contained things that she had not eaten. Her urine was as dark as black coffee. This occurred three or four times. Then her stomach felt as if it had a hole in it. Her knees were painful and felt hot. After that, her pain disappeared. The next day, everything returned to normal and her whole body felt light.

Saturday morning we had a surprise visit from the same police chief who had previously helped us. He is a man who has a kind and upright heart. During the conversation he told us that "he would go through fire for us" and trusts us completely. He further let us know that he had come to terms with the information in the materials we had given him, but he still cannot understand the secret of Falun Gong and also cannot understand why we went on a three-day hunger strike. A practitioner explained to him that the secret to Falun Gong is contained in the three principles Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance).