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SOS in Holland

September 30, 2001 |   Practitioners from Holland

In order to inform the local governments about the truth of Falun Gong in China, practitioners in Holland initiated a mailing project to all communities in their country (about 500 in total). They sent out an information package, including an Amnesty International petition form, together with a letter to explain the situation to the mayor and his councillors and ask for support in the form of, for instance, hosting an Falun Gong art or photo exhibition.

Most of the responses were concerned with the human rights violations in China and wished us success with our activities. There were also active replies. For instance, some said that though they couldn't support Falun Gong officially, some people wanted to support Falun Gong on a personal basis and they said they would let the petition form circulate among all employees of the city hall. Others tried to help by giving suggestions as to how to promote Dafa. So far there have been two actual invitations for an exhibition, and a few petition forms were officially signed by mayors and their secretaries.

More and more people in Holland are discovering the truth about Falun Gong and are deciding to give their personal support.