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Several Examples of Immediate Retribution in This Lifetime

September 14, 2001 |  


An evil person has a motorcycle accident

On the afternoon of August 30, 2001, a motorcycle accident occurred on the road in Sanshengyu town, Nongan county, Jilin province. Cui Zhenren, vice president of the Party committee in Sanshengyu town, who had tortured many Dafa practitioners, fell into a trench while riding his motorcycle home drunk after a banquet. He was in coma when he was found. Later, after emergency treatment, he regained consciousness.

Ever since Cui Zhenren came to power, he has been corrupt, indulging in gambling and prostitutes. Since July 20th, 1999, in collaboration with Jiang's criminal group, Cui employed every means to torture Falun Gong practitioners to curry favor with his boss. On many occasions he had cooperated with the police officer Li Zhongtai (the director of the Sanshengyu town police station) to persecute Dafa practitioners. More than 40 practitioners had been sent into detention, four practitioners were sentenced to labor camps, over 30 practitioners fined an average of 3,000 Yuan per person, and seven practitioners were expelled from their workplace and therefore had no income. One of the practitioners who lost his job was tortured to death. Practitioners had clarified the truth about Dafa to Cui many times and asked him to return the fines, but he never faced them directly or responded to their requests. His false excuse was, "I am just following orders. All the fines go to the financial department."

Due to the persecution by Cui and his accomplice, some practitioners have great difficulty making ends meet. They do not have money to pay for their children's education and their children may have to drop out of school. Yet Cui pays no attention to these practitioners. However, good will be rewarded with good and evil with evil. Cui's getting into this accident is only the beginning of the retribution. If he continues on this evil path, even greater disasters will ensue. By then it will be too late.

Meanwhile, we compassionately warn those evil persons who are similar to Cui Zhenren to wake up now. Torturing the innocent will not be tolerated by heaven. If one persists in evil deeds, immediate retribution will result.

A mayor in Sichuan province suffers retribution after burning Dafa books

A mayor in Sichuan province burned Dafa books and even plotted to torture practitioners. One day, when he was driving on the highway, his car suddenly struck a wall and the engine stopped. He then took out his cell phone and called someone in his office to come to pick him up. At that moment, a truck approaching from behind hit him and death was instantaneous. After this incident, everyone was talking about how the mayor suffered immediate retribution as a result of burning Dafa books and since then, no one has dared to destroy Dafa materials.

Inmate cook has immediate retribution

One inmate cook in Chaoyang second detention center, Liaoning province brutally tortured Dafa practitioners and other inmates. He did not care about hygiene and prepared filthy food. Recently he fell from the roof and died instantly. This incident again proved that "good is repaid with good and evil with evil."

Immediate retribution of those who denounce Buddha and Dafa

A young couple both practiced Falun Gong, although the wife's brother had always been against their practice. After some evil persons illegally harassed this couple, he started using more vicious words to attack Dafa and our Teacher. As a result, his mouth developed ulcers and his skin disease has also worsened.