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Speech by US Senator Richard Durbin from Illinois at July-19 Washington DC Rally

August 26, 2001 |  

(Hostess: Senator Durbin serves on the Foreign Operations Subcommittee, Operations Committee as well as the Defense Subcommittee. He's a first term senator from Illinois. Please welcome Richard Durbin.)

Thank you very much. Welcome to Washington. Thank you for this tremendous outpouring of people concerned about the persecution of the Falun Gong in China. Last year I introduced a resolution in the United States Senate condemning this religious repression. I am here to announce today that my colleague, Senator Brownback a Republican from Kansas will join me as a democrat in a bipartisan Senate revolution to once again condemn this action by the Chinese government which has resulted in the repression of so many people who ask for only one thing, the freedom, the opportunity to practice their religion. On this great mall in Washington, DC, we pay tribute to those who were the founders of this nation, Washington and slightly beyond that the Jefferson Memorial. It was Thomas Jefferson who drafted our Bill of Rights, who said that in the United States of America if there is to be true freedom and true democracy; there must be freedom of religion expression. That belief, that principle applies, just not to the United State, but applies to every country that wants to be part of the family of civilized nations around the world. The Chinese have come for forward asking to be treated as equals in the area of trade. They have asked to be treated as equals and given an opportunity to have the Olympics in their country. But if they are to be treated as equals they must show an understanding of the rights of people within China to practice religion freely. That is one of the corner stones of democracy and of civilized conduct. I commend you for your steadfast opposition to their repression of the Falun Gong. I promise you as a member of United State Senate we will not forget this great gathering. We will continue to work with you to make certain that religious freedom is respected in China and around the world

Many thanks.