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AFP: Falun Gong Hunger Strikers in New York Slam China

Aug. 23, 2001

NEW YORK, Aug 22, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) Members of China's banned Falun Gong spiritual group enduring a hunger strike Tuesday in New York claimed comrades faced horrors beyond belief behind the barbed wire and gray walls of Chinese labor camps.

Ten group activists have been on hunger strike outside the Chinese consulate here since Friday, mirroring a similar protest outside Beijing's embassies in Washington and London.

Their action is in solidarity with 130 activists who have launched their own hunger strike in Masanjia labor camp in China's Liaoning Province.

"Words can hardly describe the horrors that occur behind the gray walls and the barbed wire," said Falun Gong spokesman Adam Montanaro, claiming adherents faced beatings, sexual abuse and humiliation.

"We want the Chinese regime to sit up and take note -- it will never crush Falun Gong because for every will that is broken, there is another that stands up to defend the best of the human spirit," he said.

Falun Gong combines [Buddha] philosophy and slow-motion meditation exercises, and advocates say it promotes clean living and good health.

It was banned by the Chinese government in July 1999 in a move seen by many analysts as a sign top leaders feared its ability to mobilize vast numbers of protesters.
