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Chan Yuk To's Mother: Why We Are Holding the SOS Walk Activity

Aug. 19, 2001 |   By Lau Yuk Ling, A Practitioner from Hong Kong


Chan Yuk To was suddenly arrested by police in Beijing and has not yet been released. As his mother, of course I hope he can be released and returned to Hong Kong as soon as possible. At the same time, I am also thinking of the millions of Falun Gong practitioners under persecution in China. They have been illegally detained in labor camps and prisons where female practitioners have been sexually abused. At least 263 people have died from abuse received while in custody during the last two years of the persecution. Another practitioner from Hong Kong, Zhu Keming, is still in prison.

I introduced my son to Falun Dafa after I started to practice in 1995. A few months later, I experienced great changes in my body and my mind. I practice and promote Dafa everyday. My son has always been honest and well behaved since he was very young. He would never dispute or fight with others. Whenever he would get himself into an unfavorable situation he would sacrifice his own interests in favor of others.

He always came home very dirty from his work at the construction sites, yet he would work on the paperwork part of his job at home on his own time. I wanted him to practice Falun Gong too. However, the more I insisted that he practice, the more he resisted. Finally, I gave up that attachment. In June 1999, I went back to Beijing. By the end of the month, when I returned to Hong Kong, I found out that my son had finished reading all the Dafa books. Furthermore, he had started to practice every morning at the nearby practice site. I felt very happy for him.

Chan Yuk To's job is in construction. Many times, he could not get paid for his work. His colleagues also borrowed money from him sometimes. More often than not, the money he loaned out could not be repaid. However, he would always forbear. He moved back to Beijing exactly because he had difficulty getting by in Hong Kong. It is a tragedy that such an honest person was suddenly arrested by the police in Beijing. His whereabouts are not yet known as the police did not follow the legal procedures at all in the process of arresting him. My son's experience is only a small part of the persecution going on in China. Jiang Zemin and his associates even treated citizens in Hong Kong and Macau like this. It's hard to imagine the brutality with which they are treating practitioners in China.

We are planning to hold a three-day SOS walk for the following reasons: 1) To make more citizens of Hong Kong aware of the persecution going on in China, 2) To awaken people's sense of justice and conscience, 3) To stop the persecution as soon as possible, and 3) To help release our fellow practitioners (including my son) suffering from brutal torture in jail. During the walk, we will hand out fliers clarifying the truth to kindhearted people and collect their signatures for our petition.

We know that "Good is rewarded with good and evil will meet with evil" is a heavenly principle that will never change. Because of this, being able to distinguish good from evil and thus quell the evil and embrace the good is extremely important for every living being. We hope that everyone can help support the SOS walk and stop the persecution and the killing of Falun Gong practitioners.

[Editor's Note: Chan Yuk To was released on August 13, 2001.]