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Practitioners Face Harsh Persecution in Hejian City, Hebei Province

July 04, 2001 |   Practitioner in China

[Minghui Net]

Since July 20, 1999, Hejian Police Bureau's Politics and Security Department has constantly harassed local practitioners, breaking into their homes without reason or warrants. The police arrest practitioners and force them to attend brainwashing classes. At the same time, they extort money from practitioners and their families, putting them under severe financial and mental pressure. Families are broken. People lose their jobs and their livelihood. The secretary of the Politics and Law Committee, Zhang Jiajun, has illegally sentenced several practitioners to terms in labor camps, where they suffer terribly.

Du Yanxia:

Female, 38 years old. She has been detained many times by Hejian Police Bureau and the local government. To protest her illegal and inhumane treatment, she went on hunger strikes and was brutally force-fed many times. After being released, her phone was tapped and she was under constant surveillance. Her business, a barbershop, was interfered with. Her right to earn a living and carry out a normal life was denied her.

Li Guijuan

Female, 32 years old, has been arrested, detained and followed because she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. Her phone was tapped and she was kept under surveillance. Her work unit used various tactics to intimidate her. Persistent in practicing Falun Gong, the police put pressure on her family and harassed her parents. Li Guijuan went to appeal in Beijing again on December 23, 2000. After she returned, she was forced to quit her job. Her two parents were so scared by threats made by the police that they refused to let their daughter come into their home. Her husband was forced to divorce her, leaving her with only a small amount of money. She had nowhere to go and became homeless.

Yan Ying

Female, 30 years old, had been detained many times because of her firm belief in Falun Dafa. She is currently imprisoned for an indeterminate term. The police broke into her home and illegally confiscated Falun Dafa materials and daily necessities. She had to quit her job due to unfair treatment from her employer. Her neighbor followed and monitored her constantly. Because she had gone on hunger strike in the detention center, the police tied her up on a "big board" (a specially designed instrument of torture where the person is tied up in a painful position and cannot move) for 24 hours. The police left the feeding tube inside her body after they force-fed her so that her throat and face became badly inflamed and she lost her voice. Sun Yiping, a government official, cruelly beat her.

Gao Shuangfeng

Female, 32 years old. She had been detained many times because of her belief in Falun Dafa. In April 2001, she went to work where the police were waiting for her. They arrested and dragged her to a waiting police car to be taken to the police station. She was immediately sentenced to a term in a labor camp.

Sun Weiqin

Female, 33 years old. Her husband, Xie Hongjun, physically, mentally and verbally abused her because of her unshakable belief in Falun Dafa. He drove her out of their home on many occasions. In December 2000, she went to appeal for Falun Dafa in Beijing and the police detained her and extorted money from her. After her release, her husband called the police asking them to take her back. He forced her to go to the police station. He personally contacted a labor camp and tried to send her there. He also spread lots of vicious rumors attacking her personally and threatened to kill her someday. Refusing to live under such conditions, she left home.

Bai Hongcang

Male, 31 years old. In the summer of 2000 he was summoned to the police station for interrogation because some Falun Dafa practitioners had been observed visiting his home. The Politics and Security Department extorted 2,000 Yuan from him. He was arrested again when he was distributing Falun Dafa materials in May 2001. In the Police Bureau Yingzhou Branch, the head of Politics and Security Department Liu Chunyang brutally beat and berated him. He was force-fed in the detention center many times. After release, he faced constant police harassment and could not lead a normal life.

We call for kind-hearted people to learn the truth of Falun Dafa. Pay attention to the fate of our practitioners. Here is a warning to those who assist the evil forces to torture and mistreat Falun Dafa practitioners: Stop your criminal acts now, or retribution will come to every one of you in the near future. Please keep in mind the truth of this universe "Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil."

Following is list of some of the people persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners:

The secretary of Politics and Law Committee of Hejian: Zhang Jiajun (H) 86-317-3221826

The political representative of Hejian Police Bureau: Wang Shuqi (H) 86-317-3226468

The Chief of Politics and Security Department in Hejian Police Bureau: Bai Shuying (H) 86-317-3222091

The Assistant Chief of Politics and Security Department in Hejian Police Bureau: Zhao Tieqiao (H) 86-317-3222090

The responsible policeman: Liu Chunyang

Procurator's Office: Sun Yiping