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Latest News From China - 07/22/2001

July 25, 2001 |  


  • [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Hewan Labor Camp Tortures Another Falun Dafa Practitioner to Death
  • [Northeastern China] Falun Dafa Protects Practitioners from Food Poisoning
  • [Nanchong City, Sichuan Province] Police Detain a Judge and a Professor
  • [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Xu Bin Without Any Legal Documents
  • [Shanghai] Police Arrest Practitioner Li Sheng Without Warrant
  • [Qinghe County, Hebei Province] Officials in Baying Area Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] The Deeds of Zhao Lintao, Zhang Lin, and Liao Jin, Policemen in Niushikou Police Station
  • [Qinghe County, Hebei Province] A Police Officer Receives Retribution for Persecuting Falun Dafa


1. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Hewan Labor Camp Tortures Another Falun Dafa Practitioner to Death

Hewan Labor Camp in Wuhan City, Hubei Province has recently tortured another Falun Dafa practitioner to death. Here we call upon all the kind-hearted people and organizations to help stop the persecution of Falun Dafa conducted by Jiang Zemin and his group.

2. [Northeastern China] Falun Dafa Protects Practitioners from Food Poisoning

Recently, a human resources company in a northeastern city in China had an incident of food poisoning due to nitrate contamination. Among the 40 or so employees who had lunch in the cafeteria, every person except for two Falun Dafa practitioners had to be sent to the hospital. Some were so seriously poisoned that their fingernails and parts of their arms turned black and blue. The supervisor later asked the two practitioners why they didn't seem to be affected at all. They said, "We had the same food. However, Falun Dafa is supernormal. We practitioners have cultivated high-level energy, and Teacher is protecting us. Of course we were unaffected."

3. [Nanchong City, Sichuan Province] Police Detain a Judge and a Professor

Pan Xiaojiang, a judge in the Nanchong City Court of Sichuan Province has been to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Dafa since July of 1999. He was sentenced to one and a half years in labor camp and was forced to give up practicing under great pressure. After reading Teacher's new articles, he was aware of his mistake and posted a statement on Clearwisdom to declare his determination in practicing Falun Dafa. The police arrested him again on June 26, 2001.

Lu Guoxiang is an associate professor in the Southwest Oil Institute. In July of 2000, an email he sent out was intercepted, and he was detained for 26 days as a result. A practitioner wrote a letter to Dong Baozhen, Party Secretary of Southwest Oil Institute, and it was published on Clearwisdom. The police suspected that it was Lu who posted the letter, so they arrested him again on June 27, 2001.

4. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Xu Bin Without Any Legal Documents

On July 12, 2001, the police took Xu Bin away from his work place without any legal documents.

5. [Shanghai] Police Arrest Practitioner Li Sheng Without Warrant

Police arrested Li Sheng, a practitioner in Baoshan District, Shanghai on the morning of July 20, 2001. They searched his home without a warrant, and did not provide any documents or explanation later. Li's whereabouts are unknown.

6. [Qinghe County, Hebei Province] Officials in Baying Area Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners

Before July 20, 2001 (translator's note: on that date two years ago Chinese government banned Falun Gong), some officials in Baying County broke into practitioners' homes to arrest them without any legal documents. Two practitioners were taken to the county government. The police didn't allow them to eat or to use the bathroom for a whole day and whole night.

7. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] The Deeds of Zhao Lintao, Zhang Lin, and Liao Jin, Policemen in Niushikou Police Station

Zhao Lintao, the deputy director of the Niushikou Police Station often forms plots with Zhang Lin and Liao Jin to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. On July 14, 2001, they arrested five practitioners from a market and sent them to the Niushikou Police Station. Later they ransacked these practitioners' homes. Two of the practitioners sent out righteous thoughts and escaped.

8. [Qinghe County, Hebei Province] A Police Officer Receives Retribution for Persecuting Falun Dafa

Since July 20, 1999, Zhao Zhi'an, deputy commanding officer in the police department of Qinghe County, Hebei Province, has been slandering Falun Dafa and its teacher. He is also actively involved in the persecution of practitioners. Six months later, he was expelled from the Party and fired. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2001.