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"SOS" Bike Ride by Friends of Falun Gong (UK)

July 15, 2001 |   Friends of Falun Gong (UK)

July 14, 2001

FRIENDS OF FALUN GONG (UK) is embarking upon an "SOS" bike ride on July 15 from London's Trafalgar Square to Brighton, which is located on the south coast of England. The whole journey is about 55 miles and the route starts from London and goes through Brixton (London), Croydon, Redhill (Surrey) to Brighton. When Friends of Falun Gong heard about the news that 15 female Falun Gong practitioners in China were tortured to death on 20th June, the society decided to embark upon this bike ride, trying to raise public awareness of the torture and persecution that Falun Gong practitioners are going through in China.

This endeavor has received great support from MPs, Lords, academics and many ordinary kind people. Many people sponsored this bike ride and offered their support.

It is important for everybody to take the initiative to help, to tell the truth and to reveal the evil. Everyone's effort counts. Everyone's effort helps. We hope all kind people can do something to express their support.

Friends of Falun Gong (UK)