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Tampa Tribune: Exercising freedom

June 29, 2001 |   Michael Fechter

Jun 26, 2001

TAMPA - Franklin Cui's daily lunch hour exercise outside the University of South Florida College of Engineering might draw a few looks from people passing by, but not much more. It would land Cui in jail in his native China.

His exercises are the staple of Falun Gong, a spiritual movement the Chinese government calls an "[Jiang Zemin government's slanderous term omitted]." The government outlawed the group nearly two years ago, accusing it of jeopardizing social stability.

The prohibition came months after 10,000 Falun Gong followers surrounded a government building. Hundreds of followers have been arrested, and more than 100 have died in custody from torture and mistreatment.

A USF workshop tonight offers updates on the government crackdown against Falun Gong, featuring representatives from Amnesty International and the International Red Cross.

The U.S. State Department has protested the crackdown, citing it among examples of human rights violations. Secretary of State Colin Powell used his first meeting with a foreign emissary to voice concerns to China's U.S. ambassador this year.

Li Hongzhi opened the movement in 1992, [...]. Followers call themselves practitioners. It's not a religion, Cui said, though he believes it has provided him with long-sought answers about life.

A few friends join Cui for his daily exercise, and Saturday morning sessions at Lettuce Lake Park in northeast Tampa draw about 20 people each week, he said.

Melinda Poole became interested in Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, after reading a magazine article nearly two years ago. She said she was drawn to the positive attitude in its teachings and the emphasis on kindness and compassion.

"The exercises are like yoga. It relaxes you, and yet afterward you feel really good, like you're energized, like you've rejuvenated yourself," Poole said.

The workshop starts at 7 p.m. in Marshall Center Room 106. Information about Tampa's Falun Gong is at www.ctr.usf.edu/falundafaMichael Fechter can be reached at mfechter@tampatrib.com259-7621.
