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Canberra Times: 300 Devotees Gather For National Falun Dafa Day

June 20, 2001 |   Sian Howard


Three hundred people from around Australia turned out for the first national Falun Dafa Day at Federation Mall outside Parliament House yesterday. The Chinese meditation practice - a combination of Eastern philosophical teachings, meditation and exercise routines - has attracted millions of followers in China, but the Chinese Government began arresting followers in 1999. Falun Dafa national spokesman Tony Dai said the practice was neither political nor religious.

Supporters say that since 1999, at least 50,000 followers have been arrested and more than 200 deaths recorded in police custody. Seven women had been executed by police since May, including Zhao Zin, a commerce lecturer at Beijing University, arrested while exercising in a park. Yu Pan, who claimed he suffered police brutality, watched the demonstration yesterday and spoke of his experiences in China.

He said he had been detained for seven months, stripped to his underwear, tied up and slapped repeatedly across the face with his shoes. Police then used an electric baton on his inner thighs until he recanted his beliefs. A letter outlining serious concerns about these human rights abuses has been sent to Prime Minister John Howard.

Last year, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Downer, warned China that harassment of Falun Dafa devotees in Australia would not be tolerated.