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Man and Science

June 16, 2001 |   Sen Yang, Ph.D.

Chicago, Illinois

As a child, I often sat in the backyard, gazing at the numerous stars twinkling in the night sky, with all sorts of questions floating in my mind. Are there people out there? What are they doing? Are there bigger objects in the boundless universe? Can our solar system be just a tiny molecule of a much larger living being? Time is running from the remote past towards the unforeseen future without ever stopping. Is one's life, which is merely a brief period in the long river of history, really like a spark, disappearing in the universe after a flashing glimpse? How advanced will the science of mankind look in several centuries? How I wished that I could take a look at it.

Then I went to high school and college. Although I read more and more books, my imagination was increasingly diminished and replaced by the knowledge from the books. I learned from textbooks about the theory of evolution, which suggests that mankind evolved from apes, and all creatures originated from single cell microorganisms that evolved into more complex life forms. However, the transitional links between mankind and apes, as well as those between species have not yet been discovered, which makes me sometimes question Darwin's theory of evolution.

From the physics point of view, every ordered system evolves in the direction of disorder. However, the motion of the universe is so harmonious, and all creatures in the world such as flowers, grasses and plants are created so miraculously that even modern scientists are constantly amazed. As we all know, the human body is extraordinarily complex and sophisticated, being composed of the building blocks of life, proteins and nucleic acids. Amazingly, proteins are sequences of twenty basic types of amino acids, whereas nucleic acids are coded by only four nucleotides. If life had indeed evolved without purpose, step by step, there could have been many different evolutionary paths, among which, Nature chose the optimal one. Is there a crucial yet unknown objective element acting behind the superficial phenomena?

There have been a lot of mysterious phenomena observed by man from ancient times to the present. Just like the mystery of life, the mysteries of pre-historic civilizations, UFOs and the Bermuda Triangle are far beyond the scope covered by modern empirical science. Although modern scientists have been attempting to offer explanations for such mysterious phenomena using the available knowledge and the current understanding of our world, they all appear rather incomplete and contrived. For example, UFOs are explained by spherical lightening, and the disappearance and re-emergence of ships are attributed to the large number of bubbles floating up from the bottom of the sea. In the latter case, it was often reported that missing people returned after several decades without apparent change in age and without any feeling that time had elapsed. To them, the world appeared to have changed instantly. Some people who are unable to understand these phenomena would just casually pick an explanation that sounds plausible to them, such as labeling the missing people as psychologically abnormal. Let's assume, however, that some of these incidents did happen. Then what do they imply?

Can man unveil these unsolved mysteries? Can the universe be understood or not? Is man the dictator or the dictated in the universe? Are there alternative paths or even short cuts in the development of human science? The answers are all affirmative, but with conditions.

Throughout this human civilization, scientific thinking can be divided into eastern and western systems, which differ dramatically in their guiding ideologies and research methodologies. Ancient Eastern culture studied life and Nature from a very high standpoint. For example, the Theory of Five Elements held that everything could be classified into five major categories, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, which rely on and interact with one another. Although this idea seems quite abstract, it has already been applied to diverse topics such as Chinese medical science and battlefield strategy, and has proved surprisingly effective. Eastern scientific thinking tends to capture the essence and principles of Nature first, and then apply them to specific cases.

On the other hand, western scientific thinking has been developed based on experiments and observations, where general principles are extracted from specific examples. The basic criteria for testing various theories are from experiments, i.e. only theories that can be confirmed by experiments are accepted. Throughout the modern age, the western scientific system has played a leading role in the advancement of science. At the same time, however, its limitations are becoming more evident. It can only advance within our physical world; only those visible, tangible and repeatable experimental phenomena are recognized and studied.

Modern western science has a very limited understanding of time, space and energy. It attempts to understand the law of the motion of the entire universe from the space-time where human beings exist, which inevitably results in a partial and biased understanding. Although the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics proposed at the beginning of this century have widened the scope of man's understanding of the world, there is an insurmountable gap between these two theories. This leads us to the implication that man's understanding of nature is still quite superficial.

For example, an early astronomer accurately predicted the specific locations and orbits of two moons of Mars in 1762, which was experimentally confirmed nearly 150 years later. The scientific community was greatly puzzled by how the person managed to make this remarkable prediction.

Two thousand years ago, a great enlightened person from the East proposed the Theory of Three Thousand Worlds, which held that there are three thousand planets that are populated by living beings in our Milky Way. He also stated that there are three thousand such worlds in a tiny grain of sand. Given that science at that time was far less advanced than it is today, how could he see this if his theory was correct?

All these puzzling thoughts were effortlessly solved once I read the book ZHUAN FALUN, written by Mr. Li Hongzhi. In his book, Mr. Li Hongzhi thoroughly expounds the characteristic of the universe from a very high level, discusses the most profound principles in the plainest language, and proposes the Theory of Multi-Dimensions. I was quickly convinced that this was the true science! In fact, there is not just one space-time in this universe. Human beings, however, can only recognize the space-time where they live. Consequently, modern science cannot go beyond this limit no matter how advanced it is. Though other dimensions of space-time have been mentioned in science fiction writing, the conceptions of these other dimensions have always been confined by the understanding of our own space-time. In this universe, there exist countless dimensions both vertically and horizontally. Consider the following simple example. Everything that is visible or tangible belongs to our physical dimension, whereas molecules, atoms, nuclei, electrons and quarks belong to other dimensional levels.

Why is that? As we know, a molecule is made up of atoms, which in turn are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. However, protons, neutrons, electrons and even bigger objects differ dramatically in their physical properties as well as in their manifestations. The fundamental reason is that there are different energy structures in different dimensions, and each specific energy structure forms a specific dimension of space-time.

Classical mechanics can successfully describe the laws of motion for our physical dimension using physical quantities: mass, velocity, acceleration, etc. The matter in our dimension is made up of molecules that are combined together rather loosely. As a result, the capabilities of living beings in our dimension are very limited. For instance, man cannot run very fast or jump very high. Similarly, materials such as wood, stone, and even iron can be broken. To break or smash matter in this dimension requires only a small amount of kinetic energy. This fundamentally restricts the motion of matter in this dimension. In addition, there is a field of time, which dictates everything in our dimension. For instance, the time it takes for Earth to complete one revolution is one day. This period influences the biological rhythm of human beings as well as other creatures. Furthermore, the time it takes for Earth to complete an orbit around the sun is one year. This period governs the lives of plants and the rotation of the four seasons. Living beings can get tired. People experience birth, aging, illness and death. Everything evolves in the field of time following the laws in this dimension. These laws, however, may not apply to other dimensions. It is also observed that when things in this dimension are broken, their molecular structures stay unchanged. For instance, when a glass cup is broken, the pieces, however tiny they may be, remain as glass without their molecular structure having been altered.

Larger energy is required to alter molecular structure, and conversely, larger energy can be generated through the breaking and recombination of molecules. The energy level of molecules belongs to a different form of space-time, which possesses a stronger energy system. This energy system provides most of the energy that human beings on earth are utilizing. During production activities, for instance, coals or gases are burnt so that the energies released can be transformed into kinetic or electronic energies. We have not, however, gained a complete understanding about molecules because we are not capable of observing the dimension of molecules directly.

At an even deeper level, the dimension of atoms has an even stronger energy structure, where different combinations of elementary particles form all of the elements known to man. Atomic energy is already a little beyond the imagination of human beings; it is much stronger than chemical and kinetic energies, and is more difficult to control. However, we can only partially understand its manifestation in our dimension, because we are not able to study it in the dimension of atoms.

For still deeper dimensions, it will be very difficult to study them using western scientific techniques, because the microscopic objects in these dimensions very rarely or never manifest themselves in our dimension. Therefore, the science of mankind has no projection from which to study them.

There are other dimensions besides the horizontal dimensions discussed above. Different dimensions can exist simultaneously at the same place. The fact that we cannot perceive them with our eyes nor can we detect them using modern scientific techniques does not imply that other dimensions do not exist. Instead, this only suggests that our capabilities are severely limited. Our eyes, which collect most information throughout our lives, cannot even perceive the electro-magnetic waves outside the short range of spectrum from 400 to 700 nm in our dimension, let alone scenes in other dimensions.

Some may argue that we can study molecules and atoms using scientific instruments even though our naked eyes cannot observe them. Indeed, we need the aid of scientific methods to study phenomena in larger or smaller scales that are beyond the capability of our eyes, for which scientific instruments can serve as extensions. These instruments, however, detect only the reflections or projections of molecules, atoms, and nuclei in our dimension, instead of the true forms of their existence. To fully investigate a dimension, we may have to be physically there. Let's consider the following example, which may not be entirely appropriate. Seen from a larger dimension, our planet may be just a point, which is rather an inadequate understanding and keeps us from learning that there are lands and oceans, four seasons, temperature and humidity, and a wealth of plants and animals on earth. Due to the conceptual difference among different dimensions, there could be different physical quantities in different dimensions. In our dimension, we have physical quantities like electricity, magnetism, mass, momentum, and gravity. In other dimensions, however, there may be other distinct physical quantities due to the differences in space-time and energy systems.

When studying microscopic objects in other dimensions, people still tend to use the physical quantities in our own space-time, such as using X-rays or electron microscopes to study the structures of objects by observing the reflections or diffraction of particles. As a consequence, people can only study indirectly the reflections of objects from other space-times into our own. Because of the fundamental difference between physical quantities in different dimensions, the physical quantities that can be reflected into our dimension are rather scarce. For example, there is not much that can be reflected from the dimension of molecules into our dimension. Neither is there much that can be reflected from the dimension of atoms into that of molecules, and even less so into our dimension. This is even more the case with deeper dimensions.

We already know that there are numerous space-times and energy systems in nature. We may then want to ask whether life can only exist in our own dimension. All of us can feel that we are living in a very colorful world full of wonders. If you could get into a different dimension, you would find out that it is also an immense space with living beings and objects of more sophisticated and miraculous forms. If we ordered the dimensions according to their energy levels, we would notice that the human race happens to be at the lowest level. Does that mean that the living beings in higher dimensions, equipped with higher levels of energy, possess higher levels of intelligence and wisdom?

If we could enter the level of atoms, the dimension where the human race exists would manifest to us in a different way. Human beings, air, and other creatures are all existing in the same dimension, as human bodies are made up of elements like carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Seen from the dimension of atoms, the binding force between these elements is very weak and unstable. Going one step deeper, if we could enter the dimension of protons, it would appear to us that the sun does not exist any more, neither do the galaxies, because the energy at the dimension of atoms appears very weak in the powerful energy field of the dimension of protons, and the dimension of human race looks even more unreal, just like an imaginary shadow. Therefore, it would be very easy to control low level dimensions from the high dimension levels. Conversely, it would be very difficult to study high level dimensions using experimental techniques from low levels. Both time and space are specific manifestations of different levels of energy. While the time of some dimensions runs faster than that of our dimension, the time of some other dimensions goes slower, as suggested by an ancient Chinese saying ''One day in heaven above is equal to a thousand years on earth.'' Some people would go momentarily into different dimensions, only to find out that dozens of years had passed in our world during their short experience in other dimensions.

UFOs have been a hot topic. According to many witnesses, the motions and trajectories of UFOs are very peculiar. They can accelerate and turn abruptly, stay in the air quietly, and disappear instantly, which are all beyond the explanation of concepts like gravity and inertia. If we could assume that UFOs can break into other dimensions, where the matter is not governed by the laws of our own dimension, then it can move from one galaxy to another in the blink of an eye without being confined by the speed of light.

Does the fact that we are living in this physical world imply that we will never be able to understand the matter in higher dimensions? The answer is no. Besides the physical body, man has the other side, i.e., the spiritual side. Man's consciousness, which exists as a form of matter in a different dimension, is the key to understanding things, although its existence has been denied by modern people because they cannot detect it. However, given the many forms of space-time and energy, can they all be generalized to obey certain laws in their evolution?

Mr. Li Hongzhi, in his book, Zhuan Falun, thoroughly expounds the laws of motion for matter in various dimensions, as well as the unity of matter and mind. He reveals the truth that has never been conceived: man's insights into the universe depend directly on his Xinxing (mind and heart nature; moral consciousness). By cultivating his Xinxing, and assimilating with the characteristic ''Zhen-Shan-Ren'' (truthfulness, benevolence, forbearance), man will upgrade himself and attain further understanding towards the objective world as well as himself. Thus, he will return to his original true self, and gain deeper insights into the universe.

Many people would be very surprised if cultivation were to be compared to science. How can those monks and Taoists in the past be mentioned and discussed together with scientists, as they are usually treated as complete opposites? However, if a scientist is someone whose goal is to unveil the mysteries of the universe, then the comparison between them does not sound so absurd, as they are just going along different paths towards the same destination. The fact that some people see real scenes in other dimensions during meditation or have developed the supernormal capability of clairvoyance easily explains why some people in ancient times could see and feel what can only be recognized or even what still cannot be recognized by modern science. Only through the cultivation of Xinxing and with assimilation to the characteristic of the cosmos, can man gain insights into the truth of the cosmos.

The progress of science will be very slow if we follow the present path of development. It is very much like a blind man touching an elephant: he can learn a little bit about the elephant only after he touches a little bit. When people search for extraterrestrial lives, for instance, they always hold the congenial notion that only the environment on earth is suitable for the existence of life, whereas it is either too cold or too hot, or there is no oxygen or water on other planets. Viewed by living beings of other planets or dimensions, however, our planet may be one of the least suitable ones for life. For the past few decades, there have been many movies developed in America. They told stories about human beings on earth protecting themselves from invasions by living beings from other planets. As a matter of fact, "the characteristic of the cosmos is governing everything'' *. The higher the level of living beings, the more benevolent they are, since they would otherwise not be able to achieve those high levels. Human beings on earth tend to judge others by their own mentality and moral standard. This leads to the assumption that living beings at high levels are as greedy, selfish and brutal as themselves. In fact, if they really wanted to interfere with the earth, there would be absolutely no way that human beings could struggle against them, just as one cannot battle against atomic bombs with knives and spears. The decline of the moral standard of modern human beings, and the deterioration of the environment have put mankind in a very dangerous situation. So the true threat does not come from others, but from mankind itself.

The universe is immense and complex, but only a tiny portion can be reflected into our dimension and can be perceived by man. Empirical science has reached its limit, whereas the development of science is unlimited. The only way to truly advance science is for modern man to discard incorrect acquired notions and face the objective reality courageously. "If mankind could take a fresh look at itself as well as at the universe, and change its rigid mentality, it will take a leap forward.''* In front of us will be an entirely new and more splendid human civilization.

Maybe someday, my childhood dream will come true.

* Excerpted from Zhuan Falun by Mr. Li Hongzhi. This book can be viewed or

downloaded from www.falundafa.org