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Swedish Practitioners Commemorate World Falun Dafa Day

May 15, 2001 |  

First of all we would like to send our greetings to Master Li on his 50th birthday. We thank Master from the bottom of our hearts for giving us Dafa. On this day we also published a new Swedish website. Its purpose is to inform the public and media about Falun Dafa and the on-going persecution. http://falungonginfo.net Gothenburg, Sweden We commemorated this special day by inviting the people of Gothenburg to visit our open-air exhibition, try the Falun Gong exercises and learn more about Falun Dafa in a large and beautiful park in the center of Gothenburg. Our exhibition informed the visitors about Falun Gong and the persecution in China. Some of the posters showed pictures of the torture victims and some flyers informed about the severe violation of human rights in China. Many people asked us why Falun Gong was persecuted in China. They were surprised about the extent of the persecution and could not understand why. We also informed them that non-authorized Christian groups were also having a difficult time in China. Many signed our petition to the European Parliament. Others wanted to know more about Falun Gong. We showed the exercises the whole afternoon and quite many tried them. We told them about the health and spiritual benefits of practicing Falun Gong. Many children received Falun Gong balloons and they were happy. One child said the words Falun Gong aloud. It was a nice, peaceful and harmonious afternoon. At the site of our exhibition there were hundreds of daffodils dancing in the breeze. The celebration of Falun Dafa Day gave us a chance to come out again to let more people know the truth. Stockholm, Sweden To celebrate the Falun Dafa Day practitioners in Stockholm gathered in the park behind the Chinese Embassy in Djurgarden between 12 noon -- 5 p.m. We were around 30 practitioners; some of us were young children. An exhibition about Falun Dafa, and pictures from the Master's visit in Sweden and Swedish practitioner's visits to China were placed along the sidewalk together with a table with information material such as flyers, folders, Dafa books and a petition to the European Governments. We had yellow balloons with the text "Falun Gong" to give to children and decorate the area. We invited people who stopped to take a look, ask, etc to have soft drinks and cookies. Since it was a beautiful, sunny day this was very appreciated. We practiced the exercises in groups and anybody could come and get free lessons. The Dafa music was well heard all around. A lot of people stopped to read the posters and ask questions about the practice and the situation in China. Many tried out the exercises and many sat down to watch the practitioners perform them and enjoy the tranquility of the Dafa music while reading the flyers and folders. The whole atmosphere was filled with a joyful feeling that seemed to make people feel welcomed to join us. Malm , Lund and Ronneby Practitioners in Malm , Lund and Ronneby in southern Sweden marked the Falun Dafa Day by performing an exercise demonstration in downtown Malm . In the warm sunlight and brisk wind banners with the words, "Falun Dafa Anniversary -- Nine Years In The World", "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance", "Take Action -- Stop The Killing In China", and "We Mourn The Deaths Of 206" could be seen. We showed the exercises and handed out flyers. Later in the afternoon we moved to the Slottparken to continue hongfa. We met a lady who felt very inspired by Falun Gong and a Swedish man who had resided in Shenzhen in China. He had personally witnessed the arrest and ill treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in Tiananmen Square in 1999, but did not know much about us. Falun Dafa Practitioners in Sweden