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Australia: Illegal Act Committed by Jiang Zemin Clique

May 01, 2001 |   Melbourne Dafa Practitioners

After having read an article published on Minghui Net, April 22, 2001 "The True Story of the 'April 25 Incident', we as practitioners decided to request, to have this article placed in some of the free Chinese newspapers operating in Melbourne. The idea was to help refresh, in all kind-hearted people's minds, the cause and the consequences of the "April 25 Incident" and the reasons behind the commemorative anniversary. We passed this article to the editors of seven different newspapers.

On April 23, a Falun Dafa practitioner visited three of the newspaper offices to ask whether they could put the article in their newspapers. The editors all replied, "We are not allowed to publish any Falun Gong articles; we have pressure; if we publish any Falun Gong articles, the Chinese Consulate won't issue us visas to enter China."

This is an example of the illegal activities committed by the Jiang Zemin clique overseas. The act of interfering in other countries' freedom of speech has brought attention from the Australian government.

Melbourne Dafa Practitioners

April 24, 2001