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News from China - 04/01/2001 [Liaoning Province] Suffering of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Masanjia
Labor Camp
When the practitioners were first sent to the Masanjia Labor Camp, they
were locked into separate jail cells. Several people would then surround each
practitioner and try to talk him or her into giving up Falun Gong. The guards
would not allow the practitioners to get any rest or sleep for long periods of
time, hoping to weaken their resolve. Those practitioners who refused to be
"reformed" would be verbally abused, beaten, and forced to hold
still for long periods of time, while being watched around the clock. Nobody
was allowed to talk to the practitioners. The guards also put strict
limitations on the living spaces of the practitioners, and often forced them
to remain standing or squatting while facing the wall for long periods of
time. Any practitioner who still refused to give up Falun Gong would be
slapped, shocked with electric batons, tortured with a variety of other
methods, and denied visitation privileges from his or her family members. The
labor camp officials often took the practitioners to the administration
building and tried to force them to verbally attack Falun Gong and Master Li.
Those who refused to do so were slapped and kicked repeatedly.
The guards forced practitioner Li Shuyun to strip down to her underwear.
They then surrounded her and used several electric batons to shock sensitive
areas on her body at the same time. When they were done, her neck and the arch
of her feet were covered with big blisters and bumps.
Practitioner Zhang Guishuang was stripped naked and hit with electronic
batons many times. She was beaten so badly that she began to roll around on
the ground while making painful, crying sounds. Her body was covered with
blisters and bumps.
Practitioner Qi Zhenrong was stripped naked and hit with several electric
batons simultaneously for a long period of time. Her body was covered with so
many blisters and reddish bumps that it looked like they were melted together.
Practitioner Cui Yaning was beaten and physically abused many times. She
was forced to remain standing or squatting for long periods of time day and
Practitioner Liu Fengmei was hit with electronic batons several times. Each
time she was hit with three or four batons at the same time for long periods
of time. The guards also hit her backside with a special torture device made
of iron so many times that her back was covered with blisters and bumps.
Practitioner Liu Guiying was forced to remaining standing or squatting for
long periods of time, and was not allowed to sleep at night.
Practitioner Shen Delin was forced to bend her back down to the ground
while holding her arms up high over her back throughout the night. She has
suffered a great deal.
Practitioner Lin Yan (from the Liaoning City district of Huanggu) was hit
with three or four electric batons at the same time. She was in so much pain
that she started to roll around on the ground while making painful, crying
sounds. The guards then sent her to an empty room and handcuffed her to a
hot-water pipe.
[Weifang City, Shandong Province] The Kind-hearted People who are Being
Viciously Persecuted
A Weifang practitioner has endured a great deal of hardship since the
crackdown on Falun Gong began. A member of her family was persecuted to death
for practicing Falun Gong, and she herself has been beaten, arrested,
detained, and fined many times for being a Falun Gong practitioner. She lost
her job and all her personal belongings, and was chased out of her home. In
order to support herself, she took a temporary job at a local company. The
authorities still refused to leave her alone and sent people looking for her
A few vicious people found out where she was working one day at the
beginning of March. They came into her workplace a total of nine times in one
day looking for her. When they could not find her, they began to harass and
intimidate her coworkers into telling them where she was.
But all her coworkers knew that Falun Gong practitioners are good people,
and that it is immoral and against the law to persecute someone like that. A
few kind-hearted people courageously stepped forward and skillfully chased
away the evil people. All of these kind-hearted people have become Falun Gong
practitioners themselves.
[Dianhua County, Shandong Province] Local Authorities Torture and Persecute
Falun Gong Practitioners
The Dianhua authorities began to round up local Falun Gong practitioners on
February 7th, arresting and locking up a total of 24 practitioners
in the local detention center. They have used a variety of methods including
torture, lies and deceits in an attempt to force practitioners into giving up
Falun Gong. Currently all 24 practitioners still remain in police custody.
The following is a list of local officials who have done the most to
persecute Falun Gong practitioners:
Cai Naizhang, the head of the Dianhua County Communist Party
Chen Zhikai, the head of the county's Politics and Laws Commission
Li Tongyun, chief of the county police department, home phone number:
Wang Xiaoke, deputy chief of the county police department, home phone
number: 86-543-321729
Li Yuwen, head of the police department public security bureau, home phone
number: 86-543-7325581
[Weifang City, Shandong Province] The Police Arrest Falun Gong
Practitioners Illegally
The Weifang police have broken into the homes of local practitioners and
arrested them without following any legal procedures required when conducting
an arrest. Many practitioners have been forced to flee from their homes. The
following is a part of what happened to a few local practitioners:
On March 8th, several policemen broke into the home of
practitioner Pan Chunmei, a villager from the Dongzhuang Village, Dayu
Commune, Kuiwei District, and dragged her away by force. Her husband was
brutally beaten for just saying a few words in her defense. She is still being
detained at this time. The rumor is that her village paid 10,000 Yuan to the
police to arrest and take her away.
Seven or eight policemen scaled the wall around the home of practitioner
Liang Zhen, and forcefully took her to a "transformation class."
Practitioners Zhang Jinming, Du Xiuhua, Zhang Xinrong, Li Huilin, and two
others were arrested at their homes by people sent by their employer, the
Weifang City Huaguang Conglomerate. They have been forced to attend a
"transformation class" for more than 80 days. They were told that
they would not be released until they promised to give up Falun Gong.
The employer of practitioner Zhou Enguang tried to arrest her at her
parents' home while she was there caring for her ill mother. She was able to
get away, but her employer responded by sending people to watch her home and
the home of her parents for four days and nights. The guards were divided into
different shifts, with each shift consisting of 2 to 4 people. They frequently
forced their way into the homes to harass her family members, which caused
them a great deal of mental anguish. Zhou Enguang is now being forced to live
on the streets. According to her employer, they were ordered to deal with her
in such a manner by the higher-ups, and had no choice but to comply with the
[Weifang City, Shandong Province] The Police Send Falun Gong Practitioners
to the Labor Camps Illegally
The Beigong Police Station in the Weifang district of Weicheng had filled
out all the necessary paperwork required to arrest 5 local practitioners who
refused to give up Falun Gong, and were getting ready to arrest them. The
practitioners found out what was about to happen and left their homes. Since
last October, the Beigong Police Station has sentenced all the local
practitioners who were arrested for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong
to 1 month in the local detention center, followed by a term of 3 years in
labor camps. Once, the police sent 8 practitioners to labor camps in one day.
Out of these eight practitioners, Han Suhua was dragged away, even though her
leg had been seriously injured in Beijing. Practitioner Ding Aili, a single
mother, was sent to the labor camps along with her oldest daughter. There is
no one around to care for her youngest child who is only a first-grader.
Practitioers Gao Guizhen and Cao Junfeng from the district of Weicheng were
sent to the labor camps for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in
October of 2000. Their husbands did not want to see them suffer in the labor
camps, so they went everywhere looking for ways to get them out. In the end,
these two practitioners were released after their husbands paid 50,000 and
40,000 Yuan respectively to bail them out (the average monthly income in China
is 500 Yuan per person).
In December of 2000, practitioners Zhang Baoxi and his wife were arrested
for passing out Falun Gong truth-clarifying material. The police were planning
on sending them to the labor camps, and the couple was forced to flee from
their home. They are both senior citizens in their 60s. They have lost all
means to support themselves, and have to depend on the help of others to
The following are the phone numbers of some Weifang police stations:
Liang Yuhai, head of the Beigong Police Station, phone number:
Nanguan Police Station, phone number: 86-536-8322571
Weifang City Police Department, 86-536-8783000
Weicheng District Police Department, 86-536-8326401
[Hanchuan City, Hubei Province] The Authorities Kidnap Practitioner Chen
Practitioner Chen Ailin, who is in her 30s, has been arrested several times
for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Because of this, she was listed
as a main target for around the clock surveillance. She was forced to flee
from her home with her child and ended up getting a temporary position in the
nearby city of Wuhan. In recent days, a few evil people from her hometown came
to Wuhan looking for her. They were able to find her child and secretly
followed the child back to their home. When she returned home that night, they
were outside waiting for her and took her away by force. She is now being
detained in the local detention center.
[Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Information on the Shijiazhuang Labor
Camps Where Falun Gong Practitioners are being Held
The Shijiazhuang 5th Labor Camp
Address: Beijiao Street #22
Names of a few labor camp officials who have brutalized Falun Gong
1st Platoon: Liu Zhiying, Jiang Hong, and Liu Wei
2nd Platoon: Li Ping, Wang Xiu and Chen Ping
Drug Rehab Center: Li Xin
Education Center: Wang Feng
The Shijiazhuang 4th Labor Camp
Address: Nangaoji Street #8
Names of a few labor camp officials who have brutalized Falun Gong
1st Platoon: Wang Shumin, Song Jin, Ma Li, Deng Li, Meng Zhenju,
and Ci Huiying
2nd Platoon: Liu Xiumin, Wang Guifen, Wang Ruixiang, a captain
with the surname of Hao, and a captain with the surname of Nan
Special Platoon: Li Zhenping
Administration: Shang Changmin (head of the labor camp), Li Weizhen
(division leader), Geng Xingjun, the head of the Supervising Division with the
surname of Chen, a captain with the surname of Zhou, and the deputy head of
the labor camp with the surname of Fu
The Shijiazhuang 3rd Labor Camp
Address: Beijiao Street #22
Names of a few labor camp officials who have brutalized Falun Gong
practitioners: Zhao Bin (platoon leader) and Yang Guang
Head of the Shijiazhuang Labor Camp System: Wang Bingfang
[Yingmeng County, Shandong Province] The Local Authorities Persecute Falun
Gong Practitioners
The Propaganda Department of Yingmeng County put together a set of material
containing many outrageous lies slandering Falun Gong. They made up stories at
will and totally distorted the message of Falun Gong
Many local practitioners are being forced to attend the "Yingmeng
County Falun Gong Transformation Class." They have been cut off from the
outside world and have lost all their personal freedom. They are not allowed
to rest until after midnight every day. While they try to get some sleep,
members of the local militia, who have been assigned to watch them, frequently
kick their door or play a cassette player at the top of its volume to make
sure they do not get a good night's rest. The practitioners have to get up at
5 o'clock every day to do the "morning exercises" while being forced
to chant slogans attacking Falun Gong. Those practitioners who refuse to chant
the slogans are routinely beaten and kicked by the local militia members.
Many militia members are very vicious. They often gather in groups of two
or three to interrogate Falun Gong practitioners while waving rubber batons
and handcuffs. Some of them even beat practitioners brutally after forcing
them to strip naked and lie down. One militia member from the village of Duo
named Zhang Huayu openly steals food and personal belongings of practitioners.
On March 2nd, the local government in the township of Taoqu sent
out several vehicles looking for Falun Gong practitioners. Every practitioner
was forced to curse Master Li and Falun Gong, and those who refused to do so
were taken away as "transformation targets." Twenty-one
practitioners were arrested that day. That evening, practitioners Shi Yunyu
and Wang Dongcheng were placed in isolation chambers where they were brutally
beaten. When the family members of Shi Yunyu saw him the next day, they were
shocked and dismayed to see that his face was completely swollen and his eyes
were swollen shut.
The original plan of the local authorities was to arrest a total of 31
practitioners. They are very annoyed that 10 practitioners were able to get
away, and have held a series of meetings trying to figure out how to find
these 10 practitioners and do more to persecute Falun Gong.
Li Xiurong, a practitioner from the township of Dianpai in Yingmeng County,
was arrested for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. After she was sent
back, the local authorities broke into her home and confiscated every single
item owned by her and the members of her family.
[Binzhou City, Shandong Province] A list of Huimin County Falun Gong
Practitioners Who Have Been Sent to the Labor Camps
Wang Houli: male, 45 years old
Wang Xiuting: female
Zhao Xuefeng: male, 40 years old, and a former employee of the Huimin
County Textile Factory
Yan Hongjun: male, 35 years old, and a former employee of the Huimin County
Textile Factory
Lu Peiyuan: male, 35 years old, and the principle of the Huimin County
Magnet School
Zhou Hongsheng: male, 38 years old, and a villager from the Mazhou Village
Liu Fengmin: male, and a villager from the township of Lizhuang
Zhang Shugang: female, and a villager from the township of Lizhuang
All the above practitioners are each serving three-year sentences in the
Wangzhuang Labor Camp in Zibe City, Shandong Province.
[Binzhou City, Shandong Province] A List of Criminals Who Have Persecuted
Falun Gong Practitioners in the District of Bincheng
Qiu Shuyoung: a policeman from the Political Security Division of the
Bincheng District Police Department. On January 4th, 2001, he
deceived practitioner Lu Qiyuan, arrested him and then beat him brutally. His
phone number is 86-543-3366243, extension 4511. His father Qiu Ruizhi's phone
number is 86-543-3391264 or 86-543-3325954 or 86-543-3324656. His home address
is Bohai Street #3, Apartment #517.
Beizhen Police Station: on January 22nd, 2001, the police from
the Beizhen Police Station arrested and detained practitioners Geng Limin, Li
Bahu (who works in the Binzhou City Chemical Plant), Wei Shuang and Dong
Guozhen. After the practitioners staged a 10-day hunger strike, they tied the
practitioners to beds reserved for death row inmates to torture them.
Binzhou City Chemical Plant: a number of practitioners are being detained
in the plant. Some of them have been fired from their jobs. Its address is the
5th Huanghe Road #560.
Zhang Haibin: the head of the Zhibei Police Station. Because of his
outstanding "contribution" in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners,
he was named the "model police station head." His phone number is
86-543-3322374(or 3329946). The police station is located on the 2nd
Huanghe Street.
A director with the surname of Lan and a division head with the surname of
Jia: Lan is the director of the Politics and Labor Relation Office while Jia
is the head of the security division of the Binzhou City Piston Company. They
detained practitioners inside of the company for more than 40 days, and also
helped the police arrest practitioners Zhang Zhihua, Geng Limin, Dong Guozhen,
and Zhang Jinying. They were fined tens of thousands of Yuan and fired from
their jobs on December 24th, 2000. The main switchboard number for
the Piston Company is 86-543-3320941 (or 3320942, or 3320943, or 3320953). The
factory is located on the 6th Bohai Street # 680.
Jie Ju: the head of the Bincheng District Paper Manufacturing Factory. He
fired 7 practitioners from their jobs. His phone number is 86-5430-3321522.
The address of the factory is the 6th Guanghe Street #579.
Xu Feng: the head of the Binzhou City 3rd Textile Factory. He
fired 3 practitioners from their jobs. His phone number is 86-543-3381385, and
his work address is the 2nd Huanghe Street #593.
Gao Heping and Hu Xiuqin: employees of the Binzhou City 1st
Textile Factory. They have turned in, rounded up, and beaten Falun Gong
practitioners, and also informed the authorities of a place where Falun Gong
truth-clarifying materials were being printed. Gao Heping's phone number is
Song Xiang: a small-business owner. He has turned in practitioners to the
authorities and informed the authorities of a place where Falun Gong
truth-clarifying materials were being printed. His number phone is
Dan Yumin: the general secretary of the Shengli Oil 1st
Construction Company Politics and Law Commission. He and two of his
subordinates Shi Qinghe and Liu Zhifang have harassed and threatened many
Falun Gong practitioners since August of 1999. They have tried to force
practitioners to give up Falun Gong, destroyed Falun Gong books, imposed heavy
fines on the practitioners, and punished the relatives of practitioners as
well. They openly told the practitioners that if they were going to continue
practicing Falun Gong, they would be killed and their families destroyed.
[Binzhou City, Shandong Province] A List of Criminals Who Have Persecuted
Falun Gong Practitioners in Huimin County
On July 12nd, 2001 around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the police
tricked practitioner Liu Fumin (who is from the township of Lizhuang) into
going to the police station with them. When he got there, they brought out his
wife Ren Jianxin, who had been arrested a day earlier. The policemen then
repeatedly stabbed steel needles into the chests of the husband and the wife,
hit their heads with glass bottles, beat them with rubber batons, splashed
cold water on them, and used electric batons to shock their palms, feet and
private areas...
The following are the criminals who participated in this beating:
Zhang Deguang: the chief counselor of the Huimin Police Station
Gao Shuhua: the head of the Hui min Politics and Law Center
Li Yong: the head of the Huimin Communist Party
Pan Sen: mayor of the township of Huimin
Posting date: 4/7/2001