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A Practitioner's Speech to the Santee City Council

February 02, 2001 |  

Jan 24, 2001

Mayor Voepel, City Council, ladies and gentlemen: On behalf of the Falun Dafa practitioners in San Diego, I'd like to express my many thanks to Mayor Voeple and the City of Santee for the proclamation of Falun Dafa. This virtuous practice founded by Mr. Li Hongzhi has made it possible for people in our community as well as many millions of others around the world to better their lives. We feel that this proclamation is the type of recognition of the contributions that Falun Dafa and Mr. Li have made to the well being of humanity. It sends message that the Santee area recognized goodness in the principals of truth, compassion and forbearance. In addition, it affords our community a great opportunity to learn Falun Dafa and benefit from the truly wonderful practice.

In the light of the millions in China who are being denied their right to practice Falun Dafa and the enormous pressure that has been placed upon you by the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles, the proclamation demonstrates your commitment to basic human rights and liberty and is something to be applauded. It has set a great example to the mayors around the world what a good mayor should do in upholding truth and justice. We are especially glad that this commendation gives a voice to those without one for in China, people are even arrested for simply saying, "Falun Dafa is good."

Falun Dafa was first introduced to the San Diego area in 1998. Initially a few practitioners practiced together in various places. We could not tell if it was the elegance of the movements, the peaceful composure of the practitioners or the beautiful music that attracted many residents of San Diego. Gradually, more and more people have come to join us, learning the exercises and they often said, "Wow, this is great. When are you coming back?" Since then we have constantly gotten calls from people who have wanted to learn the practice. As more and more people learn Falun Dafa, we will see individuals from our community leave behind stress, poor health and addiction and help families live in harmony.

Nothing will please us more than to be able to make these contributions to society by sharing Falun Dafa with others. Again, on behalf of the people in our community and Falun Dafa practitioners around the world, we thank you.