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Harbin Cement Factory Officials and Shuini Lu Police Station Collude To Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners in Taiping District, of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province

Dec. 4, 2001


Four practitioners from the Taiping district in Harbin City were illegally sentenced to one year in a labor camp. Female practitioners Chen Yalin and Gao Shuyan were sent to Wanjia Labor Camp and have been detained for more than eight months beyond their sentences. They suffered severe torture in the labor camp. Without any legal reason, Shuini Lu Police Station cancelled Chen's residence registration. (Note, without a valid residence registration, a Chinese citizen cannot legally live anywhere.) Male practitioners Zhang Qi and Liu Hongtao were sent to Harbin Changlinzi Labor Camp.

Practitioner Sun Shuyun, female, 49 years old, went to Beijing to appeal on April 4, 2000. She was illegally detained for fifteen days. On December 27, 2000, the former Chief of the Shuini Lu Police Station, Zhang Jinsheng, and Police Officer Zheng Yanbin called Sun to the station and tried to force her to write a document stating that she would quit Falun Gong. She refused and was detained for 24 hours. In order to send Sun to the labor camp, Zhang looked for "evidence" against her. He tried to force a local Falun Gong practitioner to falsify evidence. When the man refused, Zhang shocked him with an electric baton, kicked his legs, and ordered the other policeman to beat him. On December 28, 2000, Zhang forcefully sent Sun to the Second Detention Center in Harbin and detained her for 188 days.

Since July 22, 1999, Zhang has frequently directed the police to practitioners' homes to harass their families.

Under the direction of Xu Yongmao, the party Committee Secretary of Harbin Cement Factory, the officials of the factory and the local police conspired to persecute the Falun Dafa practitioners. Besides forceful brainwashing, the factory provided manpower and financial support to the local police station for persecuting the practitioners, such as cooperating with the police station in collecting and organizing "evidence" etc. In the meantime, the factory violated the state's law prohibiting dismissal of people who go to Beijing to appeal, and illegally fired 6 Falun Dafa practitioners.

Persecutors' contact information:

Xu Yongmao: the party Committee Secretary of Harbin Cement Factory. Office telephone: 86-451-7600363; home phone: 86-451-7671918 extension 6156

Zip code: 150050

Zheng Yanbin: Taiping District Police Station. Office telephone: 86-451-7693914

Zhang Jinsheng: the former chief of Taiping District Shuini Lu Police Station, currently works at Taiping District Weixing Police Station.

Office telephone: 86-451-2403701

Zip code: 150050