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Ukraine: The Evil is Afraid of the Truth

December 22, 2001 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Ukraine

December 10, 2001

I live in the city of Kramatorsk. I first started cultivating Falun Dafa in 1997. When the Chinese authorities started to persecute the Falun Gong practitioners, I tried to reveal the truth by writing letters to the Ukrainian media, the government and the Parliament. However nobody responded to my actions. Then I thought that I should visit people and talk to them face to face. Therefore in September this year I went to the city of Kiev [Capital of Ukraine]. When I was introducing Falun Dafa to people as well as revealing the truth of the persecution, people responded positively. They showed great respect to the profound principles of Falun Gong and at the same time they condemned the Jiang Zemin regime for its bloody and vicious crimes. Many suggested to me that I should introduce Falun Dafa to the government and the Parliament. I thought I should put more effort into revealing the truth to the government and the media, and that the letters and leaflets I sent to them were not sufficient.

Previously we planned to hold an exhibition in Kiev from November 19 to 22, for our fellow practitioner and artist, Mrs Zhang Cuiying from Australia. When the evil forces were persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners in China, Zhang went there to stand up to safeguard Dafa and to reveal the truth to the Chinese government. Because of this, she was jailed by the Chinese authorities for 8 months, during which time she was subjected to severe torture. She witnessed first hand the hellish tortures that the Falun Gong practitioners experience in Chinese prisons. Now Ms Zhang is revealing the truth of the brutal persecution by the Chinese government to people all over the world. The evil is afraid of the disclosure of the truth, and is afraid of the compassion from practitioners' cultivation.

When I sent invitations of the exhibition to the media and the government, I tried to take the initiative of revealing the truth to them and promoting Falun Dafa. I also told them about the battle between the righteous and the evil. I enlightened that if I can reveal the truth to people with a compassionate heart, and if I can do this without any pursuit of achieving some results, people will naturally see the positive aspects of Dafa and understand that the Chinese government has been suppressing Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. To reveal the truth to people is to bring them out of the maze of the human world. It is also a course for us to cultivate ourselves and to upgrade our xinxing [moral character]. When we overcome the evil within ourselves, we are able to see how the evil forces affect other people and how the evil forces manifest themselves in reality.

When we revealed the truth of the brutal persecution in China, we did so out of our pure hearts. Amazingly our plans proceeded naturally and smoothly. When I was at the various state departments to reveal the truth to the politicians, I always met those who had been searching for Falun Dafa. I went to the National Science Department. Previously their research staff had written negative articles about Dafa, but this time they expressed gratitude for my revealing the truth. They also thanked me for introducing Dafa to them and giving them Dafa books as gifts. I experienced similarly positive responses from the Cultural and Educational Departments. I had friendly and successful chats with many officials. The policemen at the Legislation Department asked me for Dafa books and the truth about Falun Gong. They also enquired about the Dafa practitioners in Kiev, expressing that they would like to introduce Falun Dafa to their martial arts coach. At the National Religions Centre, a lady was moved by Falun Dafa and she offered to pass the invitation to the exhibition to her supervisor, who is the chief for Ukraine Religions Centre. In about an hour I met him in person. I got to know that other national departments all depend on the National Religions Centre for their views about the nature of Falun Gong. The chief also arranged for me to meet the official who deals specifically with Falun Gong issues. In the beginning, all I heard from him were negative views and evil rumors towards Falun Gong spread by the Jiang Zemin regime. He was also reluctant to accept the truth-clarifying literature I handed to him. I just peacefully revealed the truth to him. He was constantly paying attention to my reactions. I also told him that people commit wrong deeds because they are lost in the human world. At the end he sincerely shook hands with me and said he would study all the literature I left with him. He even expressed that he would be interested in reading Falun Dafa books. From that I was able to tell that all their information about Falun Gong was from the so-called "official information" provided by the Chinese embassy. I told him that none of the organizations in the world have the right to judge spiritual beliefs, and that a moral principle has nothing to do with the recognition by a national government. As I was leaving, he ran after me in the corridor and asked, "Is this your only purpose for coming here today?" I said to him, "Yes, and it is very important." Again he promised that he would carefully study the literature I left with him.

We should not wait for the situation to improve. Instead we should improve the situations ourselves.

However it was very unfortunate that the Ukraine embassy in Russia did not issue Zhang Cuiying a visa to enter the nation. Our plans did not materialize. From this I could see that the Chinese embassy still has a very strong evil influence on the Ukraine government, and that our truth clarifying work has not been sufficient yet.

For those days, we stayed in front of the exhibition gallery and explained to people why the exhibition was not held. We showed people Ms Zhang's portfolio instead. We also sent out materials to journalists. Many people came, especially on the first day when a journalist also came to join us. Everyone was interested in Ms Zhang's work and expressed that they wished she could come to Ukraine in the future. The friendly and harmonious atmosphere almost gave the impression of a real exhibition. People were very interested in Falun Dafa. We told them that it was simply because of Ms Zhang's firm faith in Dafa that the artist was tortured for 8 months by the Chinese authorities. People then understood that what the Ukraine government did was actually to give in to the evil forces. We hope that our government will one day stand on the side of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. This is subject to the constant efforts of each Ukrainian Falun Dafa practitioners.

Source from: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/2286.html