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First Falun Gong Event in Derby, U.K. Is a Huge Success

December 22, 2001 |   Reported by U. K. practitioner

On Saturday 8th December, U.K. practitioners handed out leaflets and practiced Falun Gong exercises in Derby. The people of Derby displayed a keen interest in Falun Dafa with over 3500 flyers being distributed throughout the day. Upon learning the truth of the persecution and brutal torture of practitioners in China, Derby's residents were both shocked and appalled. They asked how such evil deeds could be committed and why such a massive and barbaric violation of human rights remains unpunished through international law. Many signatures were added to the petition calling for an end to the persecution in China.

The Mayor of Derby was equally disturbed by the actions of Jiang Zemin's evil regime. She was touched by a local practitioner's tale of how her sister, who was imprisoned for practicing Falun Gong in China, was finally freed. The Mayor of Derby offered one of the council buildings as a site for a future Falun Dafa exhibition. Thus, the first Falun Gong activity in Derby was received with enthusiasm, support and concern for the innocent Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in Mainland China.