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The Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Maoming City, Guangdong Province

December 22, 2001 |  


Liang Meiqing, female, in her 30's, a resident of Shanliao Village, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on December 10, 2000. For this she was unlawfully detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai for almost six months. The 300 pairs of pigeons she owned were forcibly taken and sold by the police station.

Lai Guoying, female, in her 30's, resident of Shanliao Village, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on December 10, 2000 and was unlawfully detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai for almost six months. She was also forced to pay a fine of 3000 Yuan (The average monthly income of a Chinese worker is about 500 Yuan).

Zheng Mei, female, 23 years old, resident of Zhengcun Village, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on December 11, 2000 and was unlawfully escorted to and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai for five months. The police also seized her motorcycle.

Liang Guifen, female, 44 years old, who lives at Remin Road of Poxin Township, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on December 10, 2000. She was escorted back and unlawfully detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai for six months. She was also fined 700 Yuan.

Ling Xiu, female, in her 30's, a resident of Zhengcun Village, was forcibly taken to the police station from her home without any legal justification. She was suspected of spreading truth-clarifying materials and detained for over half a month. She went to Beijing to appeal on December 11, 2000 and was unlawfully detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai for six months. The police also seized her motorcycle.

Chen Huiying, Gui Rong, female, resident of Shanliao Village, went to Beijing to appeal on December 19, 2000 and was escorted back and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai. Afterward, she was transferred to the brainwashing classes in Maoming City, and has been detained there to this day.

Li Guohua, female, 45 years old, went to Beijing to appeal on December 11, 2000. She was escorted back and has been unlawfully detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai to this day.

Tan Qun, Ah Fu (last name unknown) and three other practitioners went to Beijing to appeal on December 11, 2000 and were escorted to the Second Detention Center of Dianbai and unlawfully detained for about six months.

Zhu Huirong, female, in her 40's, a resident of Xin Street of Poxin Township, went to Beijing to appeal on December 11, 2000. She was escorted back and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai for about four months. She was also fined 600 Yuan.

Xuemei, resident of Zhengcun Village, and Ah Mei, resident of Zhongpocun Village, (last name unknown) female, both in their 30's, were forcibly taken away from home on December 28, 2001 because they refused to give up Falun Dafa. They were detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai and because of their firmness in practicing Dafa. They were later transferred to the brainwashing classes in Maoming City and are yet to be released.

Li Xing, male, 50's, resident of Hongshiyue Village, was taken away from his home on December 28, 2000 and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai. He was released in August 2001 and extorted 500 Yuan.

Pan Li, male, 40's, resident of Tanlian Village, was taken away from home, on the day after Chinese New Year 2001 and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai. He was transferred to a brainwashing class in Maoming City on July 28 and was released in the beginning of September.

Tian (last name unknown), female, in her 20's, resident of Tanlian Village, was taken away from home on the day after Chinese New Year 2001 and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai for about six months. She was also fined 18000 Yuan.

Lai Liang, male, mid 30's, handicapped, resident of Niuliujia Village, was taken to the police station on November 9, 1999 for attending a discussion with over 20 other practitioners at Li Kun's residence. He was detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai and released on January 3, 2000. He was forced to pay 10 Yuan per day for the accommodations in the detention center. On February 24, 2000, the Poxin Township Government and police station forced him to a brainwashing class at the former Poxin Township Drug Rehabilitation Center.

Li Xinhua, male, born on May 29, 1984 in Hongshiyue Village, Li was a freshman at the Dianbai County Diahai High School, but was dismissed from school because he refused to give up his belief in "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance."

Xiuzhen (last name unknown), female, over 70 years old, resident on Renmin Street of Poxin Township, was detained in the Maogang District Detention Center in late September 2001 for distributing truth-clarifying materials. She was released in the beginning of November.

Shuhua (last name unknown), female, about 60 years old, resident of Xinpo Village, was arrested at home in late September 2001 because the police suspected her of distributing truth-clarifying materials. She was unlawfully detained and tortured in Maogang District Detention Center for over a month. The police released her later because they were afraid of taking the responsibility if she died, as she had been tortured to a life-threatening state.

Li Heying, female, 73 years old, is a resident at 96 Renmin Street of Poxin Township. Cultivation of Falun Dafa gave her renewed life. On November 9, 1999, she attended a group study class with 20 other practitioners at Li Kun's house and was arrested and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai. She was released on January 3, 2000 and forced to pay 10 Yuan per day for staying in the detention center. On February 24, 2000, she was taken away from home by the town government and police to a brainwashing class at the former Poxin Township Drug Rehabilitation Center for 33 days. On April 24, 2000, she was forced to attend the classes and ordered to sign in at the police station or neighborhood committee every day. She was under house arrest for a very long time. On July 17, 2000, she was taken to the police station and then detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai for two weeks and forced to pay 10 Yuan per day for her stay in the detention center. To avoid being unlawfully arrested again, she was forced to leave home and become a homeless person. In late February 2001, she was arrested at her sister's residence in Guangzhou City and escorted back to the Second Detention Center of Dianbai. She was tortured to a life-threatening state and then released in August. Now she is under constant surveillance by the police. In the past two years, her home was searched many times and the police took away her TV, VCD player, Dafa books and other personal belongings.

Cui Jingquan, female, about 40 years old, a resident at 96 Renmin Street of Poxin Township, attended the discussion with over 20 other practitioners in Li Kun's residence on November 9, 1999 and was taken to the Poxin Police Station. She was then unlawfully detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai. She was released on January 3, 2001 and forced to pay 10 Yuan per day for her stay in the detention center. She was arrested again on the day of Chinese New Year 2001 and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai where she was tortured to a life-threatening state. She was released in August. To avoid being unlawfully arrested again, she has been forced to abandon her own home.

Wang Riqiong and, Weiping (last name unknown), female, were arrested by the police from Poxin police station on the day after Chinese New Year 2001 and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai. They were released in May.

Jianyu (last name unknown), male, resident of Yanlun Village, was taken to the Poxin police station on the day after Chinese New Year 2001 and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai. He was then transferred to a brainwashing class in Maoming City and has yet to be released.

Binggang (last name unknown), male, over 50 years old, resident of Yanlun Village, was taken to the Poxin police station on the day after Chinese New Year 2001, and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai. He was released in May and then arrested again in October. He is now being detained in Maogang District Detention Center and has yet to be released.

Qiuren, female, about 60 years old, resident of Hongshiyue Village, was forcibly taken to the brainwashing class at the former Poxin Drug Rehabilitation Center in the end of February 2000. She was released over 20 days later after her family posted bail. She was again unlawfully arrested on the day of Chinese New Year 2001 and detained in the Second Detention Center of Dianbai. She was later released in late June.

Li Kun, male, 46 years old, resident of Gang #1-1 Remin Street of Poxin Township, has experienced arrests, home searching, and brainwashing classes many times. He went to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa on December 11, 2000 by unfurling a banner and shouting, "Falun Dafa is Good!" He was then arrested and detained in Beijing Mentougou Police Station Detention Center where he went on hunger strike to protest the unlawful treatment. He was released after eight days, and has had no choice but to abandon his own home to avoid being unlawfully arrested again.

The list of the vicious people who committed crimes against Dafa practitioners:

Li Changhui, Party Chief of Poxin Township

Li Jinkuang, Maoming City Maogang District Poxin Township Party Secretary of Politics and

Legislation, office phone #: 2650100

Zhou Ming: The Head of Poxin Police Station, office phone #: 2650310

Wang Yi: Deputy Head of Poxin Police Station

Ruan Zhong: Head of the First District of Dianbai County Police Department, in charge of Falun Gong issues, office phone #: 5515808

Li Xinqi, Party Chief of Dianbai County, office phone # 5522011, home phone # 5533888, cell phone # 13902518038

Pan Sheng, Party secretary of Political and Legislature Committee, office phone # 5530306 home phone #5522535 Cell phone #13902517381

Cai Yanwen: Head of the 6-10 Office in Dianbai County, office phone: 5115308


December 14, 2001