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Irish Times: Human Rights in China

December 19, 2001 |   By Brian Trought

December 17, 2001

Sir, - I was one of the 35 Western Falun Gong practitioners who went to Tiananmen Square in China to appeal against the maltreatment of Falun Gong practitioners.

Every time I read a story about Falun Gong practitioners in China going to Tiananmen Square to appeal, I truly admire their courage. I also feel saddened that these magnificent people are forced to endure inhuman tortures for doing this. My going to Tiananmen Square was certainly not on par with these Falun Gong practitioners.

In my heart, I knew that I was doing the correct thing. But I also knew that I had the security of "home" to come back to. I have been told that it was wonderful that "I stood up for something." Yes, I stood up. I stood up because I wanted to let people know "Falun Gong is good". I stood up for those who are forbidden from saying these words.

I feel it a shame that it has taken 35 Westerners to journey thousands of miles to Tiananmen Square before everyone turned and began to question the persecution against Falun Gong. Every day another Falun Gong practitioner appeals on Tiananmen Square. Every day another hero steps forward. Every day we turn our backs and forget them.

I hope that their courage will touch people's heart and awaken people's conscience. This persecution has to end. - Yours, etc.,
