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The Mississauga News (Canada): Falun Gong supporter avoids arrest - Chinese protest ends in flight

November 30, 2001 |   By Jim Robinson

November 21, 2001, Front Page


Local Falun Gong followers gather around Joel Chipkar, right, at Pearson International Airport upon his return last night from China. The Mississauga man was filming a protest in Beijing's Tiananmen Square that saw other Canadians and Chinese arrested by police.

A Mississauga man eluded Chinese security police and escaped back to Canada last night after filming a demonstration by Falun Gong supporters in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.

Joel Chipkar arrived at Pearson International Airport late Tuesday after two days without sleep and said he was able to film four van loads of Chinese security take 30 people into custody after unfurling a Falun Gong banner. One of those arrested was Chipper's friend Zenon Dolnyckyj of Richmond Hill. Whether Dolnyckyj was released or still in custody was not known by Falun Gong supporters who came with arm loads of flowers to welcome Chipkar back to Canada.

"It was the most powerful and most solemn event I have ever witnessed in my life," said Chipkar, his voice trembling. "What I saw was 30 people simply trying to express themselves. When a banner stating the principles of Falun Dafa (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forberance) was unfurled four van loads of police came out of nowhere."

A crowd of about 60 GTA Falun Gong supporters, some with large posters showing Associated Press photos of Dolnyckyj being grabbed and taken into custody, clapped after each statement made by Chipkar. He was embraced by a number of people and also given bouquets of flowers.

Chipkar went with Dolnyckyj and 30 others from 10 countries to make a statement about Falun Gong. He said he was using a hidden camera to film the event and was able to walk away unnoticed by the police when the demonstration began at 2 p.m. Thursday, Beijing time.

"I was standing behind a Chinese woman who also had a camera," he said, "I was able to walk away but as I did I saw her arrested."

Many Falun Gong followers have been jailed in China and supporters claim hundreds more have died at the hands of the government there.

Followers of the [group] said its philosophies and slow-motion exercises promote health and good citizenship. They say they are a threat to the Chinese government because they are attracting more followers than the [party's name omitted] regime.


Because he was able to get to the Beijing airport unnoticed, Chipkar said he was able to take his scheduled flight back to Mississauga via Vancouver. And because he was not sure if he would be stopped en route to the airport, he mailed the film back by UPS.

"When we get the film, we will get it developed and send it back so the people in China can use it in their fight for freedom," he said.

"This footage will help the citizens inside China to realize that Falun Gong is respected and supported around the world and that their government leader is deceiving and brainwashing them to side with murders.

"I believe this footage can help break the information and media blockage in China and help to position peoples' hearts towards what is right."

Chipkar said he is not against China but against the current regime which is trying to quell Falun Gong by what he called terror tactics against its believers.

"For the past two years I have seen the vicious murder, rape and torture of these innocent people by their own irrational and insecure government.

"The [Jiang Zemin] government calls Falun Gong [Jiang Zemin government's slanderous term omitted]. But actions speak louder than lies."

Chipkar said he has no intentions of trying to go back to China but will concentrate his efforts on using the film to send encouragement to those inside China.