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Solemn Declarations from Young Disciples

Nov. 27, 2001

Solemn Statement

I am a young Falun Dafa disciple. During a school-organized activity that attempted to defame Dafa by forcing everyone to sign his or her name against Dafa, I signed the statement because of my fear of being dismissed by the school. After studying the Teacher's articles, I realized that what I did was wrong. What I did is tantamount to helping the evil forces and it indicates that I still had the attachment of fear. Therefore, I declare now solemnly that the name(s) I signed are totally null and void. Getting rid of my attachment of fear, I will again step forward to validate Dafa and clarify the truth to the public in order to assist Teacher in the human world.


Dafa practitioner Hu Kexin, on 10/04/01

(Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2001/10/6/17574.html)


Solemn Statement

I am an elementary school student. Having not studied the Fa well, I said something that was not good about Dafa, and signed my name under the tremendous pressure of the school and my teacher. Now I declare seriously that everything I said and wrote before about Dafa which was not good is totally invalid.


Dafa little disciple Li Cheng, on 09/23/01

(Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2001/10/7/17627.html)


Solemn Statement

I am fifteen years old this year. In January 2001, I went to Beijing to validate Dafa. In the face of the evil's vicious persecution, I told them my name and address and was illegally escorted back. Having not studied the Fa well, and also under the evil's suppression, I did something that should never be done by a Dafa disciple. Now I declare solemnly that all my words and behavior which were not in accordance with Dafa are completely null and void. I will be a Dafa disciple with dignity. I will double my effort to make up for the losses to Dafa and catch up with Teacher's Fa-rectification process to attain consummation and go back to my real home.


Dafa disciple Zhang Yusong, on 11/04/01

(Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2001/11/18/19845.html)


Solemn Statement

We are students living in mainland China. In the early half of this year, during the school-organized anti-Falun Gong activities, we signed our names on a vertically hung scroll because of being deceived by the propaganda of newspapers and TV programs, and not knowing the truth about Falun Gong. Now we know the truth and feel very regretful. We hereby declare our signatures null and void, and we will hurry to make up for the losses we brought to Dafa.


Students in mainland: Wang Lijian, Qiu Yanfeng, on 11/10/01

(Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2001/11/16/19770.html)


Solemn Statement

I am an elementary school student. During a school campaign to get ten thousands signatures against Dafa, I signed my name under a teacher's pressure, supervising and urging. Now I declare my signature null and void. Falun Dafa is good and Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa. I will firmly cultivate myself forever and follow Teacher. I will also double my effort to make up for the losses to Dafa.


Dafa disciple Zhang Dongyu, on 11/08/01

(Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2001/11/10/19420.html)


Solemn Statement

I am a young Dafa disciple and a third grade student. In the year 2000, a teacher at my school had all students in our class sign their names to something against Dafa and I signed my name too. Now I know that I made a mistake and declare solemnly my signature null and void. I will again study the Fa and catch up with Teacher's Fa-rectification process.


Dafa little disciple, Chi Hang, on 11/16/01

(Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2001/11/21/20053.html)


Solemn Statement

Last semester, a teacher asked us to sign our names on a sheet of paper, and I signed. But after I came home, I realized I was wrong. I didn't do the right thing according to the principle of "Zhen (Truthfulness)," since I had been cultivating myself. Therefore, I declare here that my signature on that sheet is invalid.


Dafa disciple and second grade student, Sun Shilin, on 11/19/01

(Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2001/11/21/20053.html)
