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Three Short Stories of the Western Practitioners Appealing in Beijing

November 25, 2001 |  

"Honey, I forgot the airport's name"

Will Barkley is a practitioner from the San Francisco Bay Area. He is in his 50s and works as an engineer. In that precious picture taken at Tiananmen, you can see him in the last row, wearing a red sweatshirt, holding the banner firmly on the left side of the picture.

Before he left for Tiananmen Square that morning, he sent a fax to his wife at the hotel. He wrote, "Honey, it is 9:00am, and I am heading to the Square. I will be back around 3:00pm or 4:00pm." At around 2:15pm, while the practitioners were raising the banner, within 10 seconds, he saw the police van rushing toward them. "That was fast," he thought to himself. In less than 10 minutes, all practitioners were forced into the police vans. As Will is a pretty big guy, it took 5 Chinese policemen to push him into the van.

His wife lost contact with him. Will was one of the first four Americans released after their 19 hour illegal detention. When the Chinese police escorted them to the airport, they were not allowed to call their families with their return flight information. It wasn't until he arrived in Tokyo's Narita airport that he had the first chance to call his wife.

His wife started to cry over the phone, and that made Will cry as well. "It was overwhelming for me," Will said, "When my wife asked me where I was, I said I was at the airport in Tokyo, but I couldn't even think of the airport's name. My wife said, 'Is it the Nikkei Narita Airport?' I then remembered where I was."


Use wisdom to bring back the banner

Leeshai Lemish is a college student from Los Angeles. Although he has only cultivated Falun Gong for 10 months, his understanding of the Fa is very deep. Wherever he goes, you will see this young man passing out Falun Gong flyers. He never wastes one minute of Hong Fa opportunity.

Dafa has also brought him tremendous wisdom. Leeshai has been taking a Chinese language class for only three months, yet he was able to communicate with me in 80% Chinese. That was just amazing!

During his appeal in Beijing, he has once again demonstrated his great compassion, tolerance and wisdom as a practitioner. He was one of the practitioners who was kicked and punched by the police as he refused to cooperate with the evil. When he saw that the banner, which was confiscated by the police, was lying on the floor, he used wisdom to pass the banner to a German practitioner, who was able to bring it to Germany and display it at the press conference at the German airport. It was great news for the California practitioners who made the banner and were concerned it might fall into the hands of the evil.


"James Bond" at the Tiananmen Appeal

Practitioner Mr. "Bond" also participated in this international peaceful appeal together with his family. Both Mr. "Bond" and Mrs. "Bond" were able to capture some very precious moments of this monumental event with their cameras. The Chinese police unfortunately captured Mr. "Bond". At that very moment, Mr. "Bond" used his Dafa wisdom and righteous thoughts, and transferred the videotape to a European tourist standing next to him. "Take this. You will be my friend for life," Mr. "Bond" said.

Of course, the Chinese police had to apologize to Mr. "Bond" for making the mistake. Later, Mr. "Bond" was able to recover the tape from his new friend and bring it home.