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SCMP: Broken Promises?

November 16, 2001 |   M. TING

South China Morning Post

Around 4.30pm on November 10, a handful of Falun Gong practitioners were carrying out their usual protest outside the China Liaison Office in Hong Kong.

Suddenly more than 30 police officers appeared, along with 10 members of staff from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. They seized material from the Falun Gong supporters, including banners, billboards and photographs. These photos showed atrocities committed against Falun Gong practitioners on the mainland. Some Falun Gong followers were hurt in the ensuing scuffles.

This incident made me wonder if we in Hong Kong still enjoy the "one country two systems", promised to us by Deng Xiaoping.

How is the average Hong Kong citizen supposed to deal with this kind of rough handling from police officers?