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San Francisco Examiner: Pay attention to Falun Gong

Oct. 6, 2001


RE: Nina Wu's article ("Daly sides with Falun Gong," The Examiner, Oct. 2), the first thing that comes to mind is: What a good and refreshing piece of news!

Many of us have heard of Falun Gong and have heard of the atrocities that happen in China against the people who practice it. While most people may not have a clear understanding of Falun Gong (even though everything about the practice is at one's fingertips on the Internet) they do realize that the brutal persecution that happens in China is wrong.

To see a San Francisco supervisor standing up for the rights of innocent people, to see a large number of Falun Gong practitioners attending the board meeting, and to see such a good report in The Examiner, is refreshing and shows hope, dignity and courage. Congratulations!

Steve Ispas Sunnyvale
