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Wujiabaozi Labor Camp in Fushun City, Liaoning Province Blackmails the Relatives of a Falun Gong Practitioner Who Is on the Verge of Death

October 25, 2001 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I'm a relative of Qin Yuanhui, a Falun Gong practitioner who is imprisoned for practicing Falun Gong in Wujiabaozi Labor Camp, Fushun City, Liaoning Province. Due to her determined belief in Falun Dafa, she was subject to brutal torture for more than 11 months.

To protest against the inhuman persecution in the labor camp, she went on a hunger strike. On the 11th day of her hunger strike, we learned of the news that "she was excreting blood, and that her life was in imminent danger." So we went to the Fushun Political & Legal Committee [to ask for her release]. The man who received us is Yu Manchang, the head of the committee. They asked us to guarantee that Qin Yuanhui would not go to appeal in Beijing within 10 days should she be released. "It is impossible for her to walk because she can't recover in 10 days, not to mention to go to appeal." we replied. Then Yu asked me for money. Because my family has been almost penniless after being blackmailed several times, we couldn't agree with his request. Seeing that he couldn't extort more money, Yu immediately said: "That's all for today, you can leave." "What can we do to save her life?" we asked. "We cannot do any more since you did not cooperate." He replied.

They wanted to blackmail us without a bit consideration of the life of my family member, and we really have no more money, so we have to appeal for help from all the kind people in the world. Qin Yuanhui has been on a hunger strike for 15 days by now and she is on the verge of death. All kind people, please help save Qin Yuanhui.